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Tuesday, April 23, 2019

吳青原 Wu Qing Yuan - 請帶走我的勇氣 Please Take My Courage

輕輕地 你吻了我
Gently, you kissed me
跟我說 你要去遙遠的地方
Tell me you're going to a faraway place
答應我 別再哭了
Promise me you won't cry again
放開手 仍然是最好的朋友
Letting go is still your best friend

請帶走我的勇氣 讓你不再害怕失去
Please take away my courage so that you are no longer afraid of losing
把悲傷留給過去 你仍然是特別的你
Leave the sadness to the past, and you're still special to yourself

說好了 明天要走
Say it that you will leave tomorrow
卻沒說 下一次見面的日子
But you didn't say the next time we will meet
閉上眼 別再哭了
Close your eyes and stop crying
我不會 忘記你最美的樣子
I won't forget your most beautiful look

請帶走我的勇氣 讓你不再害怕失去
Please take away my courage so that you are no longer afraid of losing
把悲傷留給過去 你仍然是特別的你
Leave the sadness to the past, and you're still special to yourself

請帶走我的勇氣 讓你不再害怕失去
Please take away my courage so that you are no longer afraid of losing
把悲傷留給過去 你仍然是特別的你
Leave the sadness to the past, and you're still special to yourself