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Saturday, April 13, 2019

蕭敬騰 Jam Hsiao - 皮囊 Pi Nang

The white light made my whole body hot
What's different about Martian Earth?
身體受到改裝 天亮後忘記了的模樣
The body was modified and the image was forgotten after dawn

oh People who are fasting and drifting in the wind
Don't taunt them with the bite of rice
oh Handsome 沒耐心抵抗力不強
Oh Handsome no patience, not strong resistance

慾望飛奔 食物都塞進浴缸
Desire to run, food is crammed into the bathtub
壞蟑螂 毒老鼠 最後瘋狂
Bad cockroach poison mouse last crazy

我燒 我開始燒
I burn, I started burning
滅掉脂肪 像皮鞭抽在身上
Destroy the fat like a whip and smoke it on your body
國色又天香 雙目被彌彰
National color is surrounded by the eyes of the sky
It's just a skin bag

到底是誰 嫉妒是誰 崇拜什麼 失去智慧
Who the hell is jealous of who worships what, loses intelligence
忍著疼痛 從不懺悔 不能變得再荒唐
Endure the pain, never repent, don't become ridiculous

傲慢的人們 有些猖狂
Arrogant people are a little rampant
Instinctively delaying the body's expectations
七星瓢蟲說你 遮擋了它想要的陽光
The seven-star ladybug says you're shielding the sun it wants

Big pears hanging from the tree
我咽起口水 隱藏起了高尚
I swallow my saliva and hide my nobility
整得漂亮 把手都 伸到了天上
 It's beautiful, the handles are stretched to the sky
端詳自己總是 充滿挑剔
Look at yourself, always being very picky
面對 鏡子化妝 掏出心臟
Face the mirror makeup and pull out the heart


我燒 我開始燒
I burn, I started burning
滅掉脂肪 像皮鞭抽在身上
Destroy the fat like a whip and smoke it on your body
國色又天香 雙目被彌彰
National color is surrounded by the eyes of the sky

It's just a skin bag

我燒 我開始燒
I burn, I started burning
滅掉脂肪 像皮鞭抽在身上
Destroy the fat like a whip and smoke it on your body
國色又天香 雙目被彌彰
National color is surrounded by the eyes of the sky


It's just a skin bag

到底是誰 嫉妒是誰 崇拜什麼 失去智慧
Who the hell is jealous of who worships what, loses intelligence
忍著疼痛 從不懺悔 不能變得再荒唐
Endure the pain, never repent, don't become ridiculous
身體是誰 耳朵是誰 眼睛發紅 那是原罪
Who is the body? who is the ear? red eyes that's the original sin.
格格不入 我們都需要皮囊
We don't fit, we all need skin