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Thursday, April 11, 2019

謝和弦 R-chord – 光害 Light Pollution

說 再見的時候 你的眼淚一滴都沒有流
When you say goodbye, you are not crying
我 想握緊你的手 你卻冷漠的轉身就走
I want to hold your hand but you turning indifferently and leaving
說 再多也沒用 反正你也不會再為我難過
Say no more, anyways, you won't be sad for me anymore
我 在你心門口 最後一次若無其事經過
I am at the doorway of your heart, this is the last time I'll act like nothing happened
以後換誰幫你買早餐 換誰陪你上課下班
Who will help you buy breakfast in the morning? Who will accompany you when you get off work?
希望他對你很好 知道你愛遲到 能每天都叫你起床
I hope he is good to you, knows that you love to wake up late and can call you to wake up every day

We used to sit together at that place under the stars
你緊緊抱著我 對我說著 你真的愛我
You hold me tightly and tell me you really love me
不會離開我 而如今你為何要走
And that you would never leave me but why are you leaving me now

Lying on our bed, we agreed to make our dreams come true
為何滿天的星空 變成幾隻螢火蟲
Why is the sky full of stars, turning into a few fireflies
一瞬間光害 牠不再閃爍 瀕臨絕種
A moment of light pollution, it no longer flashes, almost extinct 

說 再見的時候 你的眼淚一滴都沒有流
When you say goodbye, you are not crying
我 想握緊你的手 你卻冷漠的轉身就走
I want to hold your hand but you turning indifferently and leaving
說 再多也沒用 反正你也不會再為我難過
Say no more, anyways, you won't be sad for me anymore
我 在你心門口 最後一次若無其事經過
I am at the doorway of your heart, this is the last time I'll act like nothing happened

以後換誰幫你買早餐 換誰陪你上課下班
Who will help you buy breakfast in the morning? Who will accompany you when you get off work?
希望他對你很好 知道你愛遲到 能每天都叫你起床
I hope he is good to you, knows that you love to wake up late and can call you to wake up every day

We used to sit together at that place under the stars
你緊緊抱著我 對我說著 你真的愛我
You hold me tightly and tell me you really love me
不會離開我 而如今你為何要走
And that you would never leave me but why are you leaving me now

Lying on our bed, we agreed to make our dreams come true
為何滿天的星空 變成幾隻螢火蟲
Why is the sky full of stars, turning into a few fireflies
一瞬間光害 牠不再閃爍 瀕臨絕種
A moment of light pollution, it no longer flashes, almost extinct 

I can't see your smile anymore
而我們的愛 也像那流星雨墜落
Also, our love is falling like the meteor shower

We used to sit together at that place under the stars
你緊緊抱著我 對我說著 你真的愛我
You hold me tightly and tell me you really love me
不會離開我 而如今你為何要走
And that you would never leave me but why are you leaving me now

Lying on our bed, we agreed to make our dreams come true
為何滿天的星空 變成幾隻螢火蟲
Why is the sky full of stars, turning into a few fireflies
一瞬間光害 牠不再閃爍 瀕臨絕種
A moment of light pollution, it no longer flashes, almost extinct