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Saturday, April 20, 2019

高品音質 Christine Welch - 一百萬個可能 A Million Possibilities

幽靜   窗外,滿地片片寒花
Quietly outside the window covered with winter flowers
一瞬間,永恆的時差  窩在棉被裡
In a moment, the eternal time difference trapping us in the duvet
傾聽   踏雪聽沈默的聲音
Listening as I'm stepping through the snow, listening to the silence
飄雪藏永恆的身影   雪樹下等你
The drifting snow hides the shadow of eternity, I'm waiting for you under the snow trees

在一瞬間 有一百萬個可能
In this moment, there are a million possibilities
該向前走 或者繼續等
Should we march on or continue waiting?
這冬夜裡 有百萬個不確定
In this winter night, there are a million uncertainties
漸入深夜 或期盼天明?
Should we fade into the darkness or will you face the light from the sky with me
雲空的淚 一如冰凌結晶了 成雪花垂
Tears from the clouds become frozen like icicles and turn into snowflakes
這一瞬間 有一百萬個可能
In this moment, there are a million possibilities
窩進棉被 或面對寒冷
Hiding in the duvet or facing the cold

幽靜   寒風吹來一縷聲音
Quietly, the wind blows a sound
In this moment, I see you come closer
Warming my winter heart
傾聽   踏雪聽沈默的聲音
Listening as I'm stepping through the snow, listening to the silence
飄雪藏永恆的身影   雪樹下等你
The drifting snow hides the shadow of eternity, I'm waiting for you under the snow trees
在一瞬間 有一百萬個可能
In a moment there are a million possibilities
該向前走 或者繼續等?
Should we march on or continue waiting
這冬夜裡 有百萬個不確定
In this winter night, there are a million possibilities, 
漸入深夜 或期盼天明?
Should we fade into the darkness or will you face the light from the sky with me
雲空的淚 一如冰凌結晶了 成雪花垂
Tears from the clouds become frozen like icicles and turn into snowflakes
這一瞬間 有一百萬個可能
In this moment, there are a million possibilities
窩進棉被 或面對寒冷
Hiding in the duvet or facing the cold
Which night determines which moment
Would our promised love be different
而你讓我徘徊 在千里之外 yeah
But then you let me wander on my own, somewhere a million miles away yeah 
你讓我等了好久 baby
you made me wait for a long time baby
Suddenly, I can't remember which moment it was
你終於出現 就是那個瞬間
That you finally appeared, it was that moment
等了好久 忍不住伸手  那個瞬間
I have been waiting for a long time, I reached my hand out at that moment

在一瞬間 有一百萬個可能
In this moment, there are a million possibilities
該向前走 或者繼續等
Should we march on or continue waiting?
這冬夜裡 有百萬個不確定
In this winter night, there are a million uncertainties
漸入深夜 或期盼天明?
Should we fade into the darkness or will you face the light from the sky with me
雲空的淚 一如冰凌結晶了 成雪花垂
Tears from the clouds become frozen like icicles and turn into snowflakes
這一瞬間 有一百萬個可能
In a moment, there are a million possibilities
暖這冬心 或面對寒冷
Should we warm up this cold heart or face the cold
該向前走 或者繼續等?
Should we march on or continue waiting?
漸入深夜 或期盼天明?
Should we fade into the winter forest or will you face the light from the sky with me
窩進棉被 或面對寒冷?
Hiding in the duvet or facing the cold
暖這冬心 或面對寒冷?
Should we warm up this cold heart or face the cold