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Monday, April 8, 2019

李千娜 Nana Lee - 不曾回來過 Never Came Back

想當初 你愛著我
I thought you loved me in the first place
How gentle is that
現在你隨風而走 不曾回來過
Now you're gone with the wind and you haven't come back
多年前 我愛著你
I loved you years ago
It's not anybody's fault
是命運帶你來過 卻又將你帶走
It was fate that brought you here and took you away

再愛的 再疼的 終究會離開
The pain of love again will leave after all
再恨的 再傷的 終究會遺忘
Hate again, hurt again, it will eventually be forgotten
不捨得 捨不得 沒有什麼非誰不可
Not willing to be reluctant, it could be anyone
Let myself grow slowly
Let things go slowly

這些年 時間的手
The hands of these years
Plays with us
牽著你 不停的走 不曾回來過
Kept walking holding your hand but it never come back
過去的 就讓他過
Let go what's in the past
I'm not vulnerable
只記得 當時的我
I just remembered that 
I deeply loved then

我難過 我懦弱 學不會灑脫
I'm sorry, I can't learn to be weak
越想念 越失落 悲傷裡走過
The more you miss, the more lost and sadness you walk through
很久很久以後 終於找到心的出口
A long, long time later, I finally found my heart's exit
現在的我勇敢放手 讓你自由
Now I'm brave enough to let you go free

想當初 你愛著我
I thought you loved me in the first place
How gentle is that
Now you're gone with the wind
And never returned