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Saturday, April 6, 2019

Corki - 下墜 Falling

當我拿起筆寫下第一句之後 看到了盡頭
When I picked up the pen and wrote the first sentence, I saw the ending
你走後我無盡下墜持續拼湊 曾說的綠洲
After you leave, I endlessly fall and continue to piece together the memories
封印思念魔咒 過往我保留
Hiding the feelings of missing you, I kept it in the past
I never expected to put myself down and pray for you
Be crushed by reality

喝醉後的夢裡 我往前你退後
When I'm drunk, I'm dreaming that we are still together
虛無的存在感 You know
Nothing exists You know
放下我 拋棄我 瞬間風起雲涌
Disaster happens after you leave me and forget me
The future we have together is gone

我只期待你用天使般的手 在緊緊抱住我
I only expect you to hug me tightly with your angelic hands
It's just a habit to humble you
在天亮了以後 我無盡下墜
I'm falling endlessly even after daybreak

曾經愛過你 怨過你 恨過你
I loved you, resented you, hated you
嘗試放棄你 誰都想 做自己
Tried to give up on you and just wanted to be myself
Just for you, I became tolerant
Hide my temper with my own will
Put down all the contradicts and think you can do it
While I'm smiling insincerely, with an old wound
Shattered pieces of me are reforming and rebuilding
如果再相遇 會給你微笑
If we meet again, I will give you a smile

I lost my time 你別太意外
I lost my time don't be too surprised
Like a child, naively admired you
I lost my time 你別太意外
I lost my time don't be too surprised
Like a child, naively admired you

當路燈斷了電 我被抽離到過去
When the street light broke, I went to the past
想從頭在和你 但我左右在遲疑
I wanted to start all over again with you but I'm hesitating
當世界傾斜 我拉你回到故事裡
When the world tilts, I will pull you back to the story
In the end, I can't have you in my arms

封印思念魔咒 過往我保留
Hiding the feelings of missing you, I kept it in the past
I never expected to put myself down and pray for you
Be crushed by reality

喝醉後的夢裡 我往前你退後
When I'm drunk, I'm dreaming that we are still together
虛無的存在感 You know
Nothing exists You know
放下我 拋棄我 瞬間風起雲涌
Disaster happens after you leave me and forget me
The future we have together is gone

我只期待你用天使般的手 在緊緊抱住我
I only expect you to hug me tightly with your angelic hands
It's just a habit to humble you
在天亮了以後 我無盡下墜
I'm falling endlessly even after daybreak

喝醉後的夢裡 我往前你退後
When I'm drunk, I'm dreaming that we are still together
虛無的存在感 You know
Nothing exists You know
放下我 拋棄我 瞬間風起雲涌
Disaster happens after you leave me and forget me
The future we have together is gone

我只期待你用天使般的手 在緊緊抱住我
I only expect you to hug me tightly with your angelic hands
It's just a habit to humble you
在天亮了以後 我無盡下墜
I'm falling endlessly even after daybreak