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Saturday, April 20, 2019

阿肆 A SI - 预谋邂逅 Premeditated Encounter

已經習慣 這樣不被注意的存在
Have become accustomed to such unnoticed existence
在人群中假裝冷淡 在角落裡獨自傻笑狂歡
Pretending to be cold in the crowd, giggling and raving alone in the corner
已經習慣 放棄對緣分的期盼
Already used to giving up the expectation of fate
指靠老天 不如自己套牢 另一半
You rather trust yourself than believe in God

苦思冥想地盤算 怎樣才最自然 最恰到好處的安排
Meditate on how the most natural and right arrangement is

或許在 某個大雨的夜晚 路過你身邊不打傘
Maybe passing by your side on a rainy night without an umbrella
Maybe you'll be with me because you can't bear to see me get wet
或許在 你最常出沒的咖啡館 喝一個下午的藍山
Maybe drink an afternoon in the Blue Mountains at your favorite cafe
直到你出現假裝我沒帶錢 然後只好 讓你買單
Until you show up, pretend I didn't bring the money, and I had to make you pay

已經習慣 這種啼笑皆非的孤單
Have become accustomed to this ridiculous loneliness
喜歡我的人我不喜歡 我喜歡的人卻總在彼岸
People who like me, I don't like the people I like, but they're always on the other side
已經習慣 放棄對緣分的期盼
Already used to giving up the expectation of fate
指靠老天 不如自己勇敢找出答案
It's better to rely on God to find out the answer

苦思冥想地盤算 怎樣才最自然 最恰到好處的安排
Meditate on how the most natural and right arrangement is

或許在 某個大雨的夜晚 路過你身邊不打傘
Maybe passing by your side on some heavy rain night doesn't umbrella
Maybe you'll be with me because you can't bear to see me wet
或許在 你最常出沒的咖啡館 喝一個下午的藍山
Maybe drink an afternoon in the Blue Mountains at your most frequented cafe
直到你出現假裝我沒帶錢 然後只好 讓你買單
Until you show up, pretending that I didn't bring money, and I had to make you pay

這不經意的片段 是我預謀的偶然
This casual fragment was my premeditated accident

這幻想中的樂觀 是我內向的浪漫
The optimism in this fantasy is my introverted romance
我多想在 某個大雨的夜晚 路過你身邊不打傘
How I want to pass by your side on a rainy night without an umbrella
Maybe you'll be with me because you can't bear to see me get wet
或許在 你最常出沒的咖啡館 喝一個下午的藍山
Maybe drink an afternoon in the Blue Mountains at your favorite cafe
直到你出現假裝我沒帶錢 然後只好 讓你買單
Until you show up, pretending that I didn't bring money, and I had to make you pay

至少不會遺憾 也不會讓你看出我的破綻
At least I won't be sorry, and I won't let you see my flaws