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Tuesday, April 2, 2019

張靚穎 Jane Zhang - 畫心 Painted Heart

看不穿 是你失落的魂魄
I don't understand, it's your lost soul.
猜不透 是你瞳孔的顏色
I can't guess, it's the color of your pupils
一陣風 一場夢 愛如生命般莫測
A storm, a dream, love is as unpredictable as life.
你的心 到底被什麼蠱惑
Your heart, what the hell tricked it?
Your silhouette is flooded in the dark.
看桃花 開出怎樣的結果
Look at the results of peach blossoms
看著你抱著我 目光似月色寂寞
Watching you hold me, your eyes like Moonlight Lonely
就讓你 在別人懷裏快樂
I always wanted you to be happy, even if it means giving you up
愛著你 像心跳難觸摸
But I can never stop loving you, even if my heart stops beating
畫著你 畫不出你的骨骼
I want to paint a portrait of you, even though I don’t remember the shape of your silhouette
記著你的臉色 是我等你的執著
I miss the look on your face, and our promises of forever after
你是我 一首唱不完的歌
Don’t you know, you are a song that I can’t stop singing?

看不穿 是你失落的魂魄
I don't understand, it's your lost soul
猜不透 是你瞳孔的顏色
I can't guess, it's the color of your pupils
一陣風 一場夢 愛如生命般莫測
A storm, a dream, Love is as unpredictable as life.
你的心 到底被什麼蠱惑
Your heart, what the hell tricked it?
Your silhouette is flooded in the dark.
看桃花 開出怎樣的結果
Look at the results of peach blossoms
看著你抱著我 目光似月色寂寞
Watching you hold me, your eyes like Moonlight Lonely
就讓你 在別人懷裏快樂
I always wanted you to be happy, even if it means giving you up
愛著你 像心跳難觸摸
But I can never stop loving you, even if my heart stops beating
畫著你 畫不出你的骨骼
I want to paint a portrait of you, even though I don’t remember the shape of your silhouette
記著你的臉色 是我等你的執著
I miss the look on your face, and our promises of forever after
你是我 一首唱不完的歌
Don’t you know, you are a song that I can’t stop singing?

Ah ….
Your silhouette is flooded in the dark.
看桃花 開出怎樣的結果
Look at the results of peach blossoms
看著你抱著我 目光似月色寂寞
Watching you hold me, your eyes like Moonlight Lonely
就讓你 在別人懷裏快樂
I always wanted you to be happy, even if it means giving you up
愛著你 像心跳難觸摸
But I can never stop loving you, even if my heart stops beating
畫著你 畫不出你的骨骼
I want to paint a portrait of you, even though I don’t remember the shape of your silhouette
記著你的臉色 是我等你的執著
I miss the look on your face, and our promises of forever after
你是我 一首唱不完的歌
Don’t you know, you are a song that I can’t stop singing