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Thursday, April 4, 2019

吳汶芳 Fang Wu - 愛不厭詐 Necessary Evil

When things I can't control,
Let the heart become dull
Live happily and chic

I thought I was strong.
哎呀 一個人看電影也不是問題啊
Gee, it's not a problem to watch a movie alone

女孩傻傻 女人卡卡
Girl is silly, woman Kaka
若幸福沒滿 也宜室宜家
If happiness is not full
沒有奢華 也能昇華
You can sublimate without luxury
I also expect fairy tales

女孩無價 女人無他
Girl is priceless, can be a woman without him
就開啟外掛 愛不厭詐
Just turn on the hanging and love to cheat
相信直覺 拋開懸念
Believe in intuition, put aside the suspense
Don't want to sleep for love

When those seats are full of lover's company
I'd rather read a book and pretend to be busy
And I don't want to talk more
I don't want to cede my side
哎呀 寧願這個位置只放我的行囊
Gee, I'd rather just put my bag in this position

女孩傻傻 女人卡卡
Girl is silly, woman Kaka
若幸福沒滿 也宜室宜家
If happiness is not full
沒有奢華 也能昇華
You can sublimate without luxury
I also expect fairy tales

女孩無價 女人無他
Girl is priceless, can be a woman without him
就開啟外掛 愛不厭詐
Just turn on the hanging and love to cheat
相信直覺 拋開懸念
Believe in intuition, put aside the suspense
Don't want to sleep for love

女孩傻傻 女人卡卡
Girl is silly, woman Kaka
若幸福沒滿 也宜室宜家
If happiness is not full
沒有奢華 也能昇華
You can sublimate without luxury
I also expect fairy tales

女孩無價 女人無他
Girl is priceless, can be a woman without him
就開啟外掛 愛不厭詐
Just turn on the hanging and love to cheat
相信直覺 拋開懸念
Believe in intuition, put aside the suspense
Don't want to sleep for love