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Monday, April 8, 2019

黄丽玲 A-Lin - 罪惡感 Guilt

愛情可以有多長 微笑可以有多假
How long can love be, how long can you smile
我撕開了包裝 還可以退還嗎
I ripped the package open, can I return it?

望著飛蛾在拍打 精疲力盡的翅膀
Watching the moths flapping their exhausted wings
找不到一扇窗 能逃出這天堂
You can't find a window to escape from this heaven

是誰為愛 說著美麗的謊話
Who's telling beautiful lies of love?
是誰抵抗不了 想飛的渴望
Who can't resist the desire to fly?
時鐘好慢 永遠好長 這樣好嗎
The clock is so slow and eternal so long, is this okay?
我翻來覆去 睜著眼到天亮
I tossed and turned, staying awake until dawn
一旦得到了對方 愛就停止了生長
Once you get the other person's love, it stops growing.
我看得到我們 十年後的模樣
I can see what we look like 10 years from then

這個世界那麼大 哪裡能痛哭一場
The world is so big, where can I cry?
你不會知道我 對自己多失望
You don't know how disappointed I am with myself

是誰為愛 說著美麗的謊話
Who's telling beautiful lies of love?
是誰抵抗不了 想飛的渴望
Who can't resist the desire to fly?
時鐘好慢 永遠好長 這樣好嗎
The clock is so slow and eternal so long, is this okay?
我翻來覆去 睜著眼到天亮
I tossed and turned, staying awake until dawn

我們沒有 自己想像的偉大
We don't have the greatness of our own imagination
也擋不住 時間對愛的謀殺
And can't stop time for the murder of love
誰把承諾變成了懲罰 走開好嗎
Who turned the promise into punishment and walked away, okay?
我怕我歇斯底里地說真話 我們何必這樣
I'm afraid I'm hysterical about telling the truth, so why are we doing this?

Staying because of guilt
Staying because of guilt
Why be like this