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Tuesday, April 16, 2019

孫燕姿 Stefanie Sun - 眼淚成詩 Poems & Tears


我已經 已經把我傷口化作玫瑰
I've turned my wound into a rose
我的淚水 已經變成雨水早已輪迴
My tears have turned to rain has long been reincarnated
我已經 已經把對白留成了永遠
I've already retained the dialogue forever
忘了天色 究竟是黑是灰
Forget if the sky is black or gray

分手傷了誰 誰把他變美
Breaking up hurts who turns him into beauty
我的眼淚寫成了詩已無所謂 讓你再回味
It doesn't matter if my tears are written in poetry, let you relive it again
字不醉人人自醉 因為回憶總是美
Words are not intoxicating, people are drunk, because memories are always beautiful

我已經 已經把絕情變成了恭維
I've turned the sorrow into a compliment
因為不配 你就忽然自卑說聲失陪
Because you don't deserve it, you suddenly feel inferior and say you're sorry
我已經 已經把沉默變成了懺悔
I've turned silence into repentance
無路可退 只能無言以對
There is no way to retreat, only empty words

分手傷了誰 誰把他變美
Who broke his hand, who made him beautiful
我的眼淚寫成了詩已無所謂 讓你再回味
It doesn't matter if my tears are written in poetry, let you relive it again
字不醉人人自醉 因為回憶總是美
Words are not intoxicating, people are drunk, because memories are always beautiful

我已經 已經把絕情變成了恭維
I've turned the sorrow into a compliment
因為不配 你就忽然自卑說聲失陪
Because you don't deserve it, you suddenly feel inferior and say you're sorry.
我已經 已經把沉默變成了懺悔
I've turned silence into repentance
無路可退 只能無言以對
There is no way to retreat, only empty words

分手傷了誰 誰把他變美
Who broke his hand, who made him beautiful
我的眼淚寫成了詩已無所謂 讓你再回味
It doesn't matter if my tears are written in poetry. Let you relive it again
字不醉人人自醉 因為回憶總是美
Words are not intoxicating, people are drunk, because memories are always beautiful

分手傷了誰 誰把它變美
Who broke the hand, who made it beautiful
我的眼淚寫成了詩 一首 無所謂
It doesn't matter if my tears are written in a poem
讓你再回味 字不醉人人自醉
Let you relive, the words are not drunk, people are drunk
你的品味 總是美
Your taste is always beautiful