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Sunday, April 7, 2019

楊丞琳 Rainie Yang - 失憶的金魚 The Goldfish With Amnesia

My newsletter is crying in your phone
You don't touch it alone
I'm like a goldfish, you can't see tears
Only that basin of water is clear

這一哭 誰一鬧 那一痛 誰一抱 
This cry, this trouble, this pain who can hold
The fish tank that broke that night couldn't sleep with us
剩你我 兩隻魚 怎麼都 挨不到
I'm not going to get two fish left.
Strange hiding, hugging

我就這樣好不好 記住你撐到七秒
I'll just do it, remember, you're going to last seven seconds
你就不要急切的 趕走我撥起秒錶
Don't you just get rid of me and dial the stopwatch
我們就說好 我也盡力會做到
Let's just say I'll do my best
Hook hands, don't get rid of it

我就這樣好不好 趁最後再愛七秒
I'm just going to love it for seven seconds at the end
不管給我就算是 陌生的一個心跳
No matter what you give me, it's a strange heartbeat
當我們說好 發現真的很難做到
When we agreed that it was really hard to do
有感情誰都賴不掉 賴不掉
Everyone can't afford to rely on feelings, can't rely on

My newsletter is crying in your phone
You don't touch it alone
I'm like a goldfish, you can't see tears
Only that basin of water is clear

這一哭 誰一鬧 那一痛 誰一抱 
This cry, this trouble, this pain who can hold
The fish tank that broke that night couldn't sleep with us
剩你我 兩隻魚 怎麼都 挨不到
I'm not going to get two fish left.
Strange hiding, hugging

我就這樣好不好 記住你撐到七秒
I'll just do it, remember, you're going to last seven seconds
你就不要急切的 趕走我撥起秒錶
Don't you just get rid of me and dial the stopwatch
我們就說好 我也盡力會做到
Let's just say I'll do my best
Hook hands, don't get rid of it

我就這樣好不好 趁最後再愛七秒
I'm just going to love it for seven seconds at the end
不管給我就算是 陌生的一個心跳
No matter what you give me, it's a strange heartbeat
當我們說好 發現真的很難做到
When we agreed that it was really hard to do

有感情誰都賴不掉 賴不掉
Everyone can't afford to rely on feelings, can't rely on

我就這樣好不好 記住你撐到七秒
I'll just do it, remember, you're going to last seven seconds
你就不要急切的 趕走我撥起秒錶
Don't you just get rid of me and dial the stopwatch
我們就說好 我也盡力會做到
Let's just say I'll do my best

Hook hands, don't get rid of it

我就這樣好不好 趁最後再愛七秒
I'm just going to love it for seven seconds at the end
不管給我就算是 陌生的一個心跳
No matter what you give me, it's a strange heartbeat
當我們說好 發現真的很難做到
When we agreed that it was really hard to do

有感情誰都賴不掉 賴不掉
Everyone can't afford to rely on feelings, can't rely on
有感情誰都賴不掉 賴不掉

Everyone can't afford to rely on feelings, can't rely on