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Tuesday, April 16, 2019

孫燕姿 Stefanie Sun - 半句再見 A Half Goodbye

一張照片 半句再見 塵封的紀念
A picture, a half goodbye , a dusty memorial
A review of your tears
殘缺的詩篇 遺忘的誓言 誰腦海有張忘不掉的臉
The forgotten vows of the incomplete poem, who has a face in his head that can't be forgotten?

微紅的眼 微亮的天 好一次失眠
A little red eye, a good night of insomnia
Memories take away the time easily
有些從前 太執念 那痕跡 太明顯
Some of them used to be too mindful of that trace
而故事被遺憾 畫上了重點
And the story was put to the point by regret

為何不放 既是過往 雲煙
Why not let it be both a passing cloud
想要遺忘 怎麼反覆 掛牽
Want to forget how to repeat hold
往哪裡找安慰 會簡單一些
Where to find comfort would be easier
我被思念制約 快樂顯得卑微
I was humbled by missing, and happiness seemed humble

怎麼不放 早是過往 雲煙
Why don't you let the past cloud smoke
越想遺忘 越是反覆 掛牽
The more you want to forget, the more you keep missing
而你在心裡面 要怎麼道別
And how are you going to say goodbye in your heart?
說這半句再見 已過了多少年
It's been a lot of years to since I said that half goodbye

一端在彼  一端在天 兩端成直線
One end is in a straight line at the other end of the day
A straight line can never draw a circle
有些從前 太尖銳 誰腳步 太遙遠
Some used to be too sharp who was too far away
讓結局被遺憾 寫下了句點
Let the end be sadly written down

為何不放 既是過往 雲煙
Why not let it be both a passing cloud
想要遺忘 怎麼反覆 掛牽
Want to forget but I keep remembering
往哪裡找安慰 會簡單一些
Where to find comfort would be easier
我被思念制約 快樂顯得卑微
I was constrained by thoughts, and happiness seemed humble

怎麼不放 早是過往 雲煙
Why don't you let the past cloud smoke
越想遺忘 越是反覆 掛牽
The more you want to forget, the more you keep missing
而你在心裡面 要怎麼道別
And how are you going to say goodbye in your heart?
說這半句再見 已過了多少年
It's been a lot of years to since I said that half goodbye