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Sunday, April 7, 2019

楊丞琳 Rainie Yang - 年輪說 Traces of Time In Love

Look, remember this knife
切開我身體 研究我的風雨
Cut my body and study my wind and rain
這圈是我 那圈是你 開過心的開心
This circle is me, that circle is you, the happiness that we had been happy with
Look at the signs of growth
包裹我生命 篆刻我的章印
Wrap my life seal carving my seal
計算著我 計算著你 過不去的過去
Calculate me counting you having trouble with

一是嬰兒哭啼 二是學遊戲
One is the baby crying, two is learning to play games
三是青春物語 四是碰巧遇見你
Three is the stories of youth, four is the chance of meeting you
了解這個你 沉迷這個你
Understand this, you're addicted to this
時間暫停 再繼續
Time pauses and continues

十是寂寞夜裡 百是懷了疑
Ten is the lonely night, hundred is having suspicions
千是掙扎夢醒 萬是鐵心離開你
Thousand is struggling to wake up, ten thousand is firming up the resolve and leaving you
經歷這個你 活成這個我 細數自己
Go through this, you live this, I count myself

Listen to the signals from afar
痛過的美麗 仍將冉冉升起
The beauty of pain will still rise
想起的我 想起了你 難跨過的難過
Remembering me, I think of the sadness you're hard to cross
Listen to the warning
餘燼的煙蒂 仍將燃燒思念
Embers of cigarette butts will still burn to miss
燒毀了我 燒毀了你 未到來的未來
Burned down, and burned down the future you didn't come

一是嬰兒哭啼 二是學遊戲
One is the baby crying, two is learning to play games
三是青春物語 四是碰巧遇見你
Three is the stories of youth, four is the chance of meeting you
了解這個你 沉迷這個你
Understand this, you're addicted to this
時間暫停 再繼續
Time pauses and continues

十是寂寞夜裡 百是懷了疑
Ten is the lonely night, hundred is having suspicions
千是掙扎夢醒 萬是鐵心離開你
Thousand is struggling to wake up, ten thousand is firming up the resolve and leaving you
經歷這個你 活成這個我 細數自己
Go through this, you live this, I count myself