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Tuesday, April 16, 2019

孫燕姿 Stefanie Sun - 風衣 Windbreaker

當時提不起 那段沉痛的感情 後來輕如話語
I couldn't lift that painful feeling at the time, and then it was as light as words
再鱗傷遍體 也像瘀青會淡去忘記
And scaly all over, like bruises, will fade away and forget
當時禁不起 你我情緒的暴雨 後來美如一場風景
The torrential rain that couldn't afford you and me was a beautiful sight
是年紀的筆 不知不覺地改寫自己
It's an old pen that unknowingly rewrites itself

一張一張飛過的日曆 拼湊剪貼一件風衣
A piece of flying calendar, a patchwork of clips, a windbreaker
大風吹吹什麼包裹我 包裹你 包裹心
The gale blows what wraps me wrap you wrap your heart
成長是個遊戲 把曾經 變如今
Growing up is a game that has changed to this day

一個一個告別的身影 拼湊剪貼一件黑色風衣
A farewell figure cobbled together to clip a black windbreaker
未來是本書籍有童話 有愛情 有推理
The future is this book has the fairy tale with love and reasoning
我去過的過去 誰同行 誰遠行
I've been to the past, who followed and who left

把晴空萬里 搬進我的世界裡 聽歌 餐敘 旅行
To move the clear sky into my world, listen to a song, eat a meal and travel
快樂與傷心 一一沉澱安靜成四季
Happiness and heartbreak one by one calm and settle into four seasons
像候鳥飛去 留下了一個北極 我把太陽大聲叫醒
Like a migratory bird flying to leave behind the Arctic, I wake up the sun 
還一身率性 穿上風衣我推門出去 找尋星星
And put on a windbreaker, and I pushed the door out to find the stars

一張一張飛過的日曆 拼湊剪貼一件風衣
A piece of flying calendar, a patchwork of clips, a windbreaker
大風吹吹什麼包裹我 包裹你 包裹心
The gale blows what wraps me wrap you wrap your heart
成長是個遊戲 把曾經 變如今
Growing up is a game that has changed to this day

一個一個告別的身影 拼湊剪貼一件黑色風衣
A farewell figure cobbled together to clip a black windbreaker
未來是本書籍有童話 有愛情 有推理
The future is this book has the fairy tale has the love has the reasoning
我去過的過去 誰同行 誰遠行
I've been to the past who walked with who traveled

一張一張飛過的日曆 拼湊剪貼一件風衣
One by one flying over the calendar, pieced together, a windbreaker
大風吹吹什麼包裹我 包裹你 包裹心
The gale blows what wraps me ,wrap you, wrap your heart
成長是個遊戲 把曾經 變如今
Growing up is a game that has changed to this day

一個一個告別的身影 拼湊剪貼一件黑色風衣
A farewell figure cobbled together to clip a black windbreaker
未來是本書籍有童話 有愛情 有推理
The future is this book has the fairy tale has love and reasoning
我去過的過去 誰同行 誰遠行
I've been to the past, who followed and who left

那件風衣 叫做回憶
That windbreaker is called a memory
謝謝你曾來臨 曾離去
Thank you for coming and leaving.
陪著我像影子 像姓名
Stay with me like a shadow, like a name
白色風衣  藍色的你
White windbreaker, and blue you 
掛彩虹畫星球 貼上笑容 
Hanging Rainbow Painting Planet with a smile on it

曾在一起 不在一起 都是感情
Having been together, not together, are feelings