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Tuesday, April 9, 2019

阿涵 A-Han - 過客 Passerby

沒有 誰能夠想到
No one could've imagined
你會 出現我身旁
You'll show up next to me
也許 是命運開的玩笑
Maybe it's fate's joke

不敢 太靠近你的
I don't dare to get close to you
身邊 怕你會嫌煩
I am afraid that you will be bothered
只有 一個人默默孤單
There's only one who is silently lonely

是什麼 讓我們遇見的
What was it that made us meet?
是什麼 讓距離更近了
What made the distance closer?
不奢求你多好 給我多一點微笑
I don't want you to be good to me, just smile a bit more for me

你只是一個過客 從我的世界路過
You are just a passerby, passing by my world
我不敢太多不捨 怕你看出我難過
I don't dare to give up too much, I am afraid that you will see that I am sad
也許我想的太多 卻不能給你什麼
Maybe I think too much, but I still can't give you anything
努力把傷心變少 笑容變多就好了
Try to be less sad, it's better to have more smiles

我只是個陪伴者 陪著你傷心難過
I'm just a companion that accompanies you when you're sad
寂寞它每天數著 你那麼多的失落
Lonely, it counts you every day, so many lost
你想要什麼你說 只要我現在有的
What do you want, just say it, as long as I have it now
我們之間的點點滴滴 我一直都記得
I will always remember the little bits and pieces between us

不敢 太靠近你的
I don't dare to get close to you
身邊 怕你會嫌煩
I am afraid that you will be bothered
只有 一個人默默孤單
There's only one who is silently lonely

是什麼 讓我們遇見的
What was it that made us meet?
是什麼 讓距離更近了
What made the distance closer?
不奢求你多好 給我多一點微笑
I don't want you to be good to me, just smile a bit more for me

你只是一個過客 從我的世界路過
You are just a passerby, passing by my world
我不敢太多不捨 怕你看出我難過
I don't dare to give up too much, I am afraid that you will see that I am sad
也許我想的太多 卻不能給你什麼
Maybe I think too much, but I still can't give you anything
努力把傷心變少 笑容變多就好了
Try to be less sad, it's better to have more smiles

我只是個陪伴者 陪著你傷心難過
I'm just a companion that accompanies you when you're sad
寂寞它每天數著 你那麼多的失落
Lonely, it counts you every day, so many lost
你想要什麼你說 只要我現在有的
What do you want, just say it, as long as I have it now
我們之間的點點滴滴 我一直都記得
I will always remember the little bits and pieces between us

你只是一個過客 從我的世界路過
You are just a passerby, passing by my world
我不敢太多不捨 怕你看出我難過
I don't dare to give up too much, I am afraid that you will see that I am sad
也許我想的太多 卻不能給你什麼
Maybe I think too much, but I still can't give you anything
努力把傷心變少 笑容變多就好了
Try to be less sad, it's better to have more smiles

我只是個陪伴者 陪著你傷心難過
I'm just a companion that accompanies you when you're sad
寂寞它每天數著 你那麼多的失落
Lonely, it counts you every day, so many lost
你想要什麼你說 只要我現在有的
What do you want, just say it, as long as I have it now
點點滴滴 我一直都記得
Bit by bit, I will always remember