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Saturday, April 27, 2019

田馥甄 Hebe Tien - 渺小 Insignificance

Why the most bustling city brings the loneliest polar bear
How the purest child walks through the dirtiest dump
The most confusing memories always remind me of the most focused brakes
The ugliest world, by chance, let me see one of the most beautiful poems
The darkest sky always has the most twinkling stars
為喚不回的 為做不到的 為還在活的我和你
For what I can't call back for what I can't do for what's still alive, me and you
It turns out that the biggest doubt always has the smallest self
向蝴蝶知更 向肉體靈魂 向芸芸眾生 
To the butterfly knows more to the body soul, to the crowd
我該說感謝 還是對不起
Should I say thank you or am I sorry?

Is the most violent displacement in order to achieve the most gentle little reunion?
The simplest desire never wanted to prove the most absurd of the great times
The darkest sky always has the most twinkling stars
為受過傷的 為犯過錯的 為還在活的我和你 
For those who have been wounded for making a mistake for the one who is still alive, me and you
It turns out that the biggest doubt always has the smallest self
向黄土灰塵 向肉體靈魂 向芸芸眾生 
To the loess dust to the body soul To the crowd
我該說感謝 還是對不起
Should I say thank you or am I sorry?

There is always the most brightest stars in the universe
某一天消失 某一天誕生 有一天寬恕我和你
One day to disappear, one day to be born, one day to forgive me and you
It turns out that the biggest doubt always has the smallest of himself
向恩怨愛恨 向肉體靈魂 向芸芸眾生
To enmity, love, hate to the body soul, to the crowd
我該說感謝 再說對不起
I should say thank you and I'm sorry