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Saturday, April 6, 2019

黄丽玲 A-Lin - 有一種悲傷 A Kind of Sorrow

我不羨慕 太陽
I don't envy the sun
照不亮你 過往
Don't shine on your past
有些黑暗 我們 都一樣
Some darkness, we're all the same

我太嫉妒 時光
I'm too jealous of time
能離開得 大方
It's generous to be away
不用開口 也就無需躲藏
You don't have to hide without opening your mouth

A kind of sorrow
It's your name that stays in my past
陪伴我呼吸 決定我微笑模樣
Accompanying me in my breath determines how I smile
Can't forget

A kind of sorrow
是笑著與你分開 思念卻背對背張望
Is to smile and separate from you miss but look back
剩下倔強 剩下合照一張
Leaving the stubbornness, leaving a picture

Oh~ Oh~
成為彼此的路 多嚮往 怎會失去方向?
How can you lose your way when you become each other's ways?

A kind of sorrow OH~~
留在我過往 無法遺忘Oh~
Staying in my past can't forget OH~~~

A kind of sorrow OH~~
是你義無反顧 讓愛成為 我身上的光
You're the one who let love be the light in me
給我溫暖 卻不准我遺忘
Give me warmth but don't let me forget

A kind of Sorrow OH~~
不想要與你分開 思念才背對背張望
Don't want to be apart from you, miss before looking back
你是所有 你是合照一張
You're all you're pictured with a picture