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Friday, April 19, 2019

李英宏 DJ Didilong & 萬芳 Wan Fang - 愛上你 Love you

為了妳 我縱然放棄我所有
For you, I'll give up all I have
完成妳的夢想 我別無所求 上輩子的承諾
I have nothing to ask for to fulfill your dream, the promise of the last life
到了今時今日 再多的折磨 我都得承受
By this time, I'm going to have to suffer a lot of torture today
何時能夠了結 這一切 我們 才算是解脫
When we can finish this, we're relieved
告訴我 什麼才是愛 什麼才是愛
Tell me what is love, what is love
我總看不開 不明白 我們之間的存在
I can't see it, I don't understand the existence between us
There's too much helplessness

別再說了 我們早已經 心碎的滿地
Don't say that we've been heartbroken all over the floor
滿是傷痕 的心 卻無法停止愛你
A heart full of bruises can't stop loving you
我問了千百回 什麼才是愛 什麼才是愛
I asked thousands of times, what is love, what is love

我總看不開 不明白 我們之間的存在
I can't see it, I don't understand the existence between us

There's too much helplessness

我想 愛上你 是天注定 是我的命
I want to fall in love with you, it is my destiny in life
愛上你 是天注定 是我的命
Falling in love with you is my destiny in life

我愛愛愛愛上了你 我愛愛愛愛上了你 真要命
I love love you, I love you, love, it's really terrible
我愛愛愛愛上了你 我愛愛愛愛上了你
I love love you, I love you, love you

你拒絕 不了 我的 那是命運的 安排
You can't refuse my love, that's the predetermined fate
只能受盡這摧殘 前世互相欠的債
You can only suffer from the debt owed to each other by the past
我們還有的等待 忍耐吧
We still have to wait, be patient
誰也禁止 不了 這份 愛的沈痛又何奈
No one can stop this love, love is so painful and speechless.
對於宿命的責怪 再多 也都 無法 都無法 變改
No one can change the blame for fate any more

我想 愛上你 是天注定 是我的命
I want to fall in love with you, it is my destiny in life
愛上你 是天注定 是我的命
Falling in love with you is my destiny in life