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Saturday, April 6, 2019

孟子坤 Meng Zi Kun - 晚楓歌 Night Maple Song

I have seen the mirage of memories
長夢難 一顆燭心換我獨憑欄
Long dreams, a candle heart for me alone
How many words have not been said in this life
再相遇 明明惦念卻口滿了斷
When we meet again, although I've missed you, I end up telling breaking words

你的愛 一片冰心 人間非幻
Your love is a heart of ice in human fantasy
入情關 天命卻放不開 一恨成遺憾
The feeling of hatred leaves regrets on me for not forgetting about my fate

那時楓開得正酣 心如火煎
At that time maples were growing, my heart was burning like a flame
那時烈火燒幾遍 回憶落楓
At that time, the flamed burned several times until the fallen maples became memories
遲來的一生伴為歉 不能允下餘年
I apologize for a late life and can't give up for the rest of the year
一人來解不該 的怨
One person should not be the blame

I've been unable to sleep without your embraces for thousands of autumns
不承受 你又怎知我從未放手
Yet you'll never know that I never let go
我的愛 本該為你抵擋黑暗
My love should have fought the darkness for you
若不晚 血路也願獨守 何懼暫為囚
If it's not too late, I'm willing to stay imprisoned.

那時楓開得正酣 心如火煎
At that time maples were growing, my heart was burning like a flame
那時烈火燒幾遍 回憶落楓
At that time, the flamed burned several times until the fallen maples became memories
遲來的一生伴為歉 不能允下餘年
I apologize for a late life and can't give up for the rest of the year
一人來解不該 的怨
One person should not be the blame

浴身風雨待春妍 為你成全
The wind and rain are waiting for the spring for you well being
驚起情深正當年 恍若重疊
Years of deep feelings reminded in memories
若有聲歲月不再見 就讓夢藍成雪
If we don't get to see other again in the next lifetime, then make snow with blue turned dreams 
恩怨已解 此生別無戀
There is no love in this life