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Wednesday, April 24, 2019

劉思涵 Koala Liu - 走在冷風中 Walking In The Cold Wind

分手 從你口中說出十分冷漠
Break up from your mouth, very indifferent
難過 沸騰心中然後熄滅的火
Sad boiling in the heart and then extinguishing the fire

我以為留下來沒有錯 我以為努力過你會懂
I thought there was nothing wrong with staying, and I thought if I tried, you'd understand
怎麼連落葉 都在嘲笑我 要假裝堅強的走
How come even the fallen leaves are laughing at me, pretending to be strong.

行走在冬夜的冷風中 飄散的踩碎的都是夢
Walking in the cold wind of winter nights, the scattered pieces are all dreams
孤單單這一刻 如何 確定你曾愛過我
At this lonely moment, how would I be sure that you loved me

停留在冬夜的冷風中 我不是也不想裝脆弱
Staying in the cold wind of winter nights, I don't want to pretend to be vulnerable
I didn't say no, it doesn't mean I don't hurt

我以為你暫時走失了 我以為你累了會回頭
I thought you were lost for a while, and I thought you'd look back when you were tired
怎麼連複雜 的故事背後 都是我聽朋友說
Why is it that I hear my friends behind a complicated story?

行走在冬夜的冷風中 飄散的踩碎的都是夢
Walking in the cold wind of winter nights, the scattered pieces are all dreams
孤單單這一刻 如何 確定你曾愛過我

At this lonely moment, how would I be sure that you loved me

停留在冬夜的冷風中 我不是也不想裝脆弱
Staying in the cold wind of winter nights, I don't want to pretend to be vulnerable
I didn't say no, it doesn't mean I don't hurt.

停留在冬夜的冷風中 我不是也不想裝脆弱
Staying in the cold wind of winter nights, I don't want to pretend to be vulnerable
只因為你說過 愛是 等待是細水長流
Just because you said love is waiting is long stream of water

Je le sais continue c'est pas bon
A la fin tu restes pas longtemps
I didn't say no, it doesn't mean I don't hurt