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Friday, April 19, 2019

陳漢典 Chen Han Dian -先不要 Don't Want It First

先不要 討厭我 這一次 你眼鏡跌破
Don't hate me this time your glasses fall below
Don't turn the table, look again, don't go away
滿漢大餐你典了 主菜馬上就來
Manchu dinner, you've got the main course coming right away
先不搞笑 尬個舞蹈 先不胡鬧
It's not funny, it's a dance, don't mess around
Serious man, POPPING just fine
網友高抬貴手 先不要吐槽
Netizens raise their hand, don't vomit
Rare green leaves this time as the protagonist

Baby I am ready 
仔細看會發現我 原來還不錯
Look closely and you'll find out I'm good

Baby I am ready 
冷場我來放把火 你會愛上我 愛上我
I'll put a fire on the cold, and you'll fall in love with me

Oh~~~~~~ What The Funk
就說了 先不要
Just say it, don't want it first
Oh~~~~~~ What The Funk
就說了 先不要
Just say it, don't want it first
Just say it, don't want it first
Just say it, don't want it first
Don't want it first
Don't say, don't want it first
先不要 想太多 人生嘛 就像大悶鍋
Don't think too much about life, it's like a big stuffy pot
Lean on your feet, dad, don't lean on your waist
想要你就要 先不要說不要 
If you want, don't say no
這個不要 那個不要 大事不妙 現在先不要 以後要不到
Don't do that, don't go bad, don't do it later
仙人先不要跳 烏龜先不要翹
Fairy don't jump the tortoise first
不要不要 就說先不要
No, don't say no

Oh~~~~~~ What The Funk
就說了 先不要
Just say it, don't do it first
Oh~~~~~~ What The Funk
就說了 先不要
Just say it, don't want it first
就說了 先不
Just say it, do not