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Tuesday, April 30, 2019

羅志祥 Show Lo - No Joke

No CapReal Talk Only
My words don't play tai chi.
Many cases abound

Totally thought I’m crazy
Totally caught your eyes
Nothing can stop me
Cuz I’m too hot too lit
突襲 前進
Raid forward
招集 著力
Recruit efforts
Must walk up and see
虛無 泡影 絕不成立
Nothingness never holds true
不樹敵 沈住氣 成助力
Not to be enemies, to hold gas, to help

Only roll with the real
Hold up! Brah~

I’m for real, No joke
No joke
I’m for real, No joke
No joke
I’m the real deal, now you better listen up

I Know, I Know
You want to dissent dissent dissent dissent
I Know, I Know
You want to dissent dissent dissent dissent

I rule the game! boy
Not just the fame! boy
都蒙了 boy
Dumon Boy
還傻傻相信啊 boy
Stupid to believe it, boy

Just turn it turn it
Turn down
Ignorant coward
Clap clap 信真的不道聽途說
Clap Clap, the letter really doesn't hearsay
It's not about collecting messages everywhere
whos fake
不在意不搖頭 並不 表示 這是 真的 可以
Not caring about not shaking your head doesn't mean it's true
Aye Aye! 不戳破 不是默許 Hold up!!!
Aye aye! Not to prick is not to acquiesce to the holder up!!

I’m for real, No joke
No joke
I’m for real, No joke
No joke
I’m the real deal, now you better listen up

I Know, I Know
You want to dissent dissent dissent dissent
I Know, I Know
You want to dissent dissent dissent dissent
Hold up! Brah~

I’m for real, No joke
No joke
I’m for real, No joke
No joke
I’m the real deal, now you better listen up

I Know, I Know
You want to dissent dissent dissent dissent
I Know, I Know
You want to dissent dissent dissent dissent

Dragon Pig & CNBALLER & Cloud Wang - 全部都是你 All About You

It's all in my eyes
甜甜蜜蜜 you know what I mean
Sweet honey you know what I mean
I told you I liked you
我們一起牽手去旅行(Yeah yeah hey let's get it)
We're going on a trip together with our hands (Yeah yeah hey let's get it)

好想對你說我喜歡你 baby
I want to tell you I like you, baby.
It's gonna be like ride or die baby
喜歡你的bodyline 你的性格 你的eyes
Like your bodyline, your character, your eyes
有你的城市都很美妙 baby
It's wonderful to have your city, baby
If you feel like you're in the same mind
Then I ask you to give me a positive response
Hold up hold up 對感情從不 freestyle
Hold up hold up never freestyle feelings
make me go crazy I need u right now

I'm falling I'm falling I'm falling
Baby 就讓我來對你說明
Baby, let me explain to you
I promise I promise I promise
我忘不了你 我忘不了你
I can't forget you, I can't forget you

It's all in my eyes
甜甜蜜蜜 you know what I mean
Sweet Honey you know what I mean
I told you I liked you
We're going on a trip together with our hands
Baby 我的眼裡都是 心裡都是 全部都是你
Baby, my eyes are all in my heart, all of you.
Baby 我的眼裡都是 心裡都是 全部都是你
Baby, my eyes are all in my heart, all of you

Woo yah
You know it's all about u babe ahh
Let me take you on this ride babe what
Know I've been around the world
And I done seen a lot of girls
But you'll always be my No.1 babe
And I know I know I know I know
I want your good love babe
And u know u know u know u know
You wanna be on top of me

I'm falling I'm falling I'm falling
Baby 就讓我來對你說明
Baby, let me explain to you
I promise I promise I promise
我忘不了你 我忘不了你
I can't forget you, I can't forget you.

It's all in my eyes
甜甜蜜蜜 you know what I mean
Sweet Honey you know what I mean
I told you I liked you
We're going on a trip together with our hands
Baby 我的眼裡都是 心裡都是 全部都是你
Baby, my eyes are all in my heart, all of you.
Baby 我的眼裡都是 心裡都是 全部都是你
Baby, my eyes are all in my heart, all of you

It's all in my eyes
甜甜蜜蜜 you know what I mean
Sweet Honey you know what I mean
I told you I liked you
We're going on a trip together with our hands
Baby 我的眼裡都是 心裡都是 全部都是你
Baby, my eyes are all in my heart, all of you.
Baby 我的眼裡都是 心裡都是 全部都是你
Baby, my eyes are all in my heart, all of you

I'm falling I'm falling I'm falling
I promise I promise I promise

田馥甄 Hebe Tien - 矛盾 Contradiction

希望被疼惜 又不屑被放口袋裡
Hope to be pampered and disdain to be put in the pocket
願意去相信 又將真心關得好緊
Willing to believe and be really close to each other
Trying to reinvent yourself and want to crush loneliness
But he messed himself up and broke love

太多的反省 壓力像鬼如影隨形
Too much reflection, pressure is like ghosts
最初的幸運 最終會不會是囚禁
Will the initial luck end up in captivity?
I Want to worship the mind and want to stand alone
But obey the rules but sink the crowd

Many contradictions
同樣一個懷抱水火都沸騰 快樂凝望不快樂 妥協共生
The same embraces the water and the fire are boiling, happy and gazing unhappy compromise symbiosis
同樣一個腦袋對立的靈魂 勇敢挑釁不勇敢 激烈辯論
The same soul with the opposite head, brave and provocative yet not brave with heated debate

但願夠默契 就能抵擋耳語來襲
I wish I could resist a whisper if I had enough understanding
但是再親密 人隔著心就有距離
But there's a distance when the intimacy is across the heart
You can't be at peace if you want it both
Habit doesn't force and challenges fate

Many contradictions
同樣一個懷抱水火都沸騰 快樂凝望不快樂 妥協共生
The same embraces the water and the fire are boiling, happy and gazing unhappy compromise symbiosis
同樣一個腦袋對立的靈魂 勇敢挑釁不勇敢 激烈辯論
The same soul with the opposite head, brave and provocative yet not brave with heated debate

同樣一個懷抱水火都沸騰 快樂凝望不快樂 妥協共生
The same embraces the water and the fire are boiling, happy and gazing unhappy compromise symbiosis
同樣一個腦袋對立的靈魂 勇敢挑釁不勇敢 激烈辯論
The same soul with the opposite head, brave and provocative yet not brave with heated debate

反抗矛盾 反而矛盾
The conflict of resistance is contradictory

Saturday, April 27, 2019

田馥甄 Hebe Tien - 渺小 Insignificance

Why the most bustling city brings the loneliest polar bear
How the purest child walks through the dirtiest dump
The most confusing memories always remind me of the most focused brakes
The ugliest world, by chance, let me see one of the most beautiful poems
The darkest sky always has the most twinkling stars
為喚不回的 為做不到的 為還在活的我和你
For what I can't call back for what I can't do for what's still alive, me and you
It turns out that the biggest doubt always has the smallest self
向蝴蝶知更 向肉體靈魂 向芸芸眾生 
To the butterfly knows more to the body soul, to the crowd
我該說感謝 還是對不起
Should I say thank you or am I sorry?

Is the most violent displacement in order to achieve the most gentle little reunion?
The simplest desire never wanted to prove the most absurd of the great times
The darkest sky always has the most twinkling stars
為受過傷的 為犯過錯的 為還在活的我和你 
For those who have been wounded for making a mistake for the one who is still alive, me and you
It turns out that the biggest doubt always has the smallest self
向黄土灰塵 向肉體靈魂 向芸芸眾生 
To the loess dust to the body soul To the crowd
我該說感謝 還是對不起
Should I say thank you or am I sorry?

There is always the most brightest stars in the universe
某一天消失 某一天誕生 有一天寬恕我和你
One day to disappear, one day to be born, one day to forgive me and you
It turns out that the biggest doubt always has the smallest of himself
向恩怨愛恨 向肉體靈魂 向芸芸眾生
To enmity, love, hate to the body soul, to the crowd
我該說感謝 再說對不起
I should say thank you and I'm sorry

Friday, April 26, 2019

許莉潔 Xu Li Jie & 安懂 An Dong - 當我回家 When I'm Home

當我回家 看見等待的那個人 他已倦了
When I came home and saw the man waiting, he was tired
沈重步伐 疲憊的聲音讓我 吵醒了他
The tired sound of the heavy pace made me wake him up
凝視他 溫柔的眼神 問我 過得好嗎
Staring at his gentle eyes and asking me how I was doing, okay?

(當然好啊 因為)
(Yes, of course, because)
他日以繼夜的看著 看我在闖蕩
He looked at me day and night, looking at me

感謝你放手讓我飛翔 你無聲的支持成我的信仰
Thank you for letting me fly, your silent support is my faith
黑暗裡的我 不害怕
I'm not afraid in the dark
每當我感到無助徬徨  你給我所有力量還有希望
Every time I feel helpless, you give me all the strength and hope
黑夜裡的我 不害怕
I'm not afraid in the dark

You watched me grow
I watched you also covered full of white hair, too
I'm in a foreign land
I can't see the sun yet
As long as you're here, I won't feel tired
So don't fall down easily
Waiting for me to go home with my accomplishments

感謝你放手讓我飛翔  你無聲的支持成我的信仰
Thank you for letting me fly, your silent support is my faith
每當我感到無助徬徨  你給我所有力量還有希望
Every time I feel helpless, you give me all the strength and hope
黑夜裡的我 不害怕
I am not afraid of the dark night

當我回家  換我照顧你好嗎
When I go home, let me take care of you, okay?

Thursday, April 25, 2019

郁可唯 Yisa Yu - 路過人間 Passing the world

意不意外 她背影 那麼輕快
Hey, no surprise, her back is so brisk
要明白 人會來 就會離開
Hey, you know, people will leave when they come
世上唯一不變 是人都善變
The only thing in the world that doesn't change is that people are fickle
路過人間 愛都有期限
There are deadlines for passing on human love
天可憐見 心碎在所難免
It’s inevitable that the heart is broken

以為痛過幾回 多了些修鍊
Thought it would hurt a few more times to practice
路過人間 就懂得防衛
Pass the world and know how to defend
說來慚愧 人只要有機會 就又淪陷
Shame on people, if they have a chance, they fall again

別再猜 她可曾 想過回來
Hey, stop guessing if she ever wanted to come back
醒過來 你很好 她也不壞
Hey, wake up, you're fine, and she's not bad

快快抹乾眼淚 看曇花多美
Wipe away your tears and see how beautiful flash is
路過人間 無非一瞬間
Passing the world is nothing but a moment
每段並肩 都不過是擦肩
Each side is just a shoulder wipe
曾經辜負哪位 這才被虧欠
Who has failed to live up to the debt?
路過人間 一直這輪迴
Passing through the world has been this reincarnation
幸運一點 也許最後和誰 都不相欠
Luckily, maybe at the end of the line, it doesn't owe anyone
Not owing to each other

WOO   WOO   
Ha A~~Ha A~~

人對愛和永遠 應該有幻覺
Man has hallucinations for love and should always be
路過人間 也才幾十年
It's only been decades since I passed the world
卻為了愛 勇於蹉跎歲月
But in order to love the courage of wasted years

相遇離別 貪瞋愛痴怨
Meet parting, greedy hatred love infatuation
路過人間 就忙著這些
Walking through the world is busy with these
誰有意見 莫非是心裏面 渺無人煙
Who has a problem? It's a desolate in the heart
無人可戀 來這人間 有多浪費
No one can fall in love with how wasteful this world is