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Sunday, February 17, 2019

宋冬野 Song Dong Ye - 莉莉安 Lilian

She found the lonely man ready to move
於是就禱告著 黃昏
So she prayed Twilight
Until the night she turned her head and heard
Sad sobs

一個善良的女子 長發垂肩
A kind woman with long hair and shoulders
她已跟隨黃昏 來臨
She has followed the dusk
翠綠的衣裳在爐火中 化為灰燼
The verdant clothes were reduced to ashes in the fire
升起火焰一直燒到 黎明
The flame rises until dawn

一直到那女子 推開門離去
Until the woman pushed the door open and left.
She talked to herself
在離這很遠的地方 有一片海灘
There's a beach a long way from here.
孤獨的人他就在海上 撐著船帆
Lonely man, he's holding the sails at sea.

如果你看到他 回到海岸
If you see him back on the coast
就請你告訴他你的名字 我的名字
Just ask you to tell him your name, my name

She has come
翠綠的衣裳在爐火中 化為灰燼
The verdant clothes were reduced to ashes in the fire
升起火焰一直燒到 黎明
The flame rises until dawn
一直到那女子 推開門離去
Until the woman pushed the door open and left.
She talked to herself

在離這很遠的地方 有一片海灘
There's a beach a long way from here孤獨的人他就在海上 撐著船帆
Lonely man, he's holding the sails at sea.
如果你看到他 回到海岸
If you see him back on the coast
就請你告訴他你的名字 我的名字
Just ask you to tell him your name, my name

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