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Sunday, February 24, 2019

郭頂 Guo Ding - 保留 Reserved

I see you in front of my eyes
Don't guess how far apart we are
當我 夜幕中準備
When I'm preparing in the night
I just want to let the silence work

I found your moment in a different encounter
There's an unspeakable, gentle intuition
Touch your face before the limited late night disappears
我情願這是幻覺 也不願是種告別
I wish it was an illusion and not a farewell

已經忘了 你的名字
I've forgotten your name
就在這座 寂靜星石
Right here in this silent star stone
怎麼還有 你的樣子
Why do I still have the way you look in my heart
Be reserved

Give me a whole hug
好讓我不至於 太潦倒
So I don't get too down
時間 過一分一秒
Time is a minute and a second
還是覺得相遇 太美好
Still think it's too good to meet

I found your moment in a different encounter 
There's an unspeakable, gentle intuition
When the blue is not far away, this boundless realm is gradually emerging
我始終等待再見 只不願再也不見
I always wait to see you again, I just don’t want to see you again.

已經忘了 你的名字
I've forgotten your name
就在這座 寂靜星石
Right here in this silent star stone
怎麼還有 你的樣子
Why do I still have the way you look in my heart
想形容你的句子 關於你所有心事
I want to describe your sentence, everything on your mind.
一眼能及的鑽石 哪一個是你地址
A diamond at a glance, which one is your address

忘了 你的名字
I've forgotten your name
就在這座 寂靜星石
Right here in this silent star stone
怎麼還有 你的樣子
Why do I still have the way you look in my heart
我始終等待再見 只不願再也不見
I always wait to see you again, I just don’t want to see you again.

真的忘了 你的名字
I really forgot your name.
是在哪座 寂靜星石
Where is the silent star stone?
一直還有 你的樣子
Why do I still have the way you look in my heart
Be reserved