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Saturday, February 16, 2019

蔡依林 Jolin Tsai - 玫瑰少年 Womxnly

誰把誰的靈魂    裝進誰的身體?
Who put the wrong souls In the wrong bodies
誰把誰的身體    變成囹圄囚禁自己
And turn those bodies Into self-imprisoning jails
亂世總是最  不缺耳語
In troubled times, hearsay abounds
哪種美麗會  喚來妒忌
Some beauties simply arouse envy
你並沒有罪   有罪是這世界
You are not guilty It’s the world that is guilty

Being alive is not a sin
You don't need to be sorry
One day I will be you baby boy,  and you gonna be me
One day I will be you baby boy,  and you gonna be me

If the clamor will stop

I’ll stay quiet with you
I wish I could hug you, till you’re really really being free
I wish I could hug you, till you’re really really being free

哪朵玫瑰  沒有荊棘?
The most beautiful roses have the sharpest thorns
最好的 報復是 美麗
A life in rosy hues shall be
最美的 盛開是 反擊
The cold dish of revenge we serve the haters

別讓誰去    改變了你
Never let anyone Change who you are
你是你  或是妳  都行
Boy or girl ,you can be whichever you want
會有人  全心的  愛你
There will always be someone willing to cherish you

You switched to his body Try to imagine you switched to his body
sexuality  當心  什麼會傷你
Sexuality may be their season to harm you
多少次的重傷  多少次的冷語
Countless deep wounds Endless cold insults
drowning 誰會拉你  dreaming 誰會陪你
Who’ll be there when you’re drowning Who’ll be there when you’re dreaming

Same shit happens every day.
Same shit happens every day.
你離開後  世界可改變?
Has the world changed since you left
多少無知罪愆   事過不境遷
Mistakes of ignorance still happen nowadays
永誌不忘記念   往事不如煙
But your story will be forever engraved in time

Being alive is not a sin
You don't need to be sorry
One day I will be you baby boy, and you gon' be me
One day I will be you baby boy, and you gon' be me

If the clamor won't stop
I'll stay quiet with you
I wish I could hug you, till you’re really really being free
I wish I could hug you, till you’re really really being free

哪朵玫瑰  沒有荊棘?
The most beautiful roses have the sharpest thorns
最好的  報復是  美麗
A life in rosy hues shall be
最美的  盛開是  反擊
The cold dish of revenge we serve the haters

別讓誰去    改變了你
Never let anyone Change who you are
你是你  或是妳  都行
Boy or girl ,you can be whichever you want
會有人  全心的  愛你
There will always be someone willing to cherish you

玫瑰少年  在我心裡
Your story will always be in my heart
綻放著  鮮豔的  傳奇
Blooming vigorously in rose pink
我們都  從來沒  忘記
You’ll never be forgotten by us

你的控訴   沒有聲音
Your accusation was silent
卻傾訴  更多的  真理
Yet it has conveyed profound truths
卻喚醒  無數的  真心
Yet it has awakened innumerable kind-hearted people

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