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Thursday, February 14, 2019

謝和弦 R-chord – 在沒有你以後 Without you

什麼時候開始一個人 習慣一個人 算不算天份
When did I start learning to be alone, getting used to being alone, is it a talent? 

怎麼學會抽完菸一根 接著再一根 算不算看透了
How did I learn to smoke a cigarette and move on to another one, is it completely understood?
不想要承認 也不想默認 我只想麻痺著什麼
I don't want to acknowledge, I don't want to agree silently, I just want to numb myself 

不需要過問 也不必再問 就讓時間捫心自問
No need to bother asking about it anymore, no need to ask about it again, just let time find the answer on its own

有多久 後座沒人坐 沒人抱著我
How long has it been, that nobody sits at my back seat, that nobody hugs me 
沒有撒嬌電話 沒有深情的吻
No phone calls, no passionate kisses

The room without anyone tidying up is like breaking down an empty door

有多久 後來沒有我 沒有再牽手
How long has it been, that I'm not with you, that we've held hands

沒有再為了爭吵 誰先認錯
No more arguments about who should apologize first 

在沒有你以後 我沒有了什麼
Without you, I have nothing

什麼時候開始一個人 習慣一個人 算不算天份
When did I start learning to be alone, getting used to being alone, is it a talent?

怎麼學會抽完菸一根 接著再一根 算不算看透了
How did I learn to smoke a cigarette and move on to another one, is it completely understood?

不想要承認 也不想默認 我只想麻痺著什麼
I don't want to acknowledge, I don't want to agree silently, I just want to numb myself

不需要過問 也不必再問 就讓時間捫心自問
No need to bother asking about it anymore, no need to ask about it again, just let time find the answer on its own

有多久 後座沒人坐 沒人抱著我
How long has it been, that nobody sits at my back seat, that nobody hugs me 
沒有撒嬌電話 沒有深情的吻
No phone calls, no passionate kisses
The room without anyone tidying up is like breaking down an empty door
有多久 後來沒有我 沒有再牽手
How long has it been, that I'm not with you, that we've held hands

沒有再為了爭吵 誰先認錯
No more arguments about who should apologize first

在沒有你以後 我沒有了什麼
Without you, I have nothing

你沒有交集沒聯絡 我卻很焦急想聯絡
You have no desire to contact me, but I'm anxious to contact you
I finally understood what freedom is 

是自己游不到的出口 在沒有你以後
Without you, freedom is an exit that I'm unable to reach

有多久 後座沒人坐 沒人抱著我
How long has it been, that nobody sits at my back seat, that nobody hugs me 
沒有撒嬌電話 沒有深情的吻
No phone calls, no passionate kisses
The room without anyone tidying up is like breaking down an empty door

有多久 後來沒有我 沒有再牽手
How long has it been, that I'm not with you, that we've held hands

沒有再為了爭吵 誰先認錯
No more arguments about who should apologize first
After you were gone

I don't have anything anymore

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