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Friday, February 15, 2019

房東的貓 Landlord's Cat - 一百個不喜歡你的方法 100 Ways To Not Like You

認真計算你出現軌跡 只為不相遇
Carefully calculate that you have a trajectory just to not meet
關掉一切消息去遠行 就算是逃避
Turn off all the news, even if it's an escape

精心編織每一種濾鏡 讓我討厭你
Carefully woven every filter makes me hate you
我怕未來憧憬裝滿你 也怕沒有你
I'm afraid the future is full of you, and I'm afraid there's no you

一百個不喜歡你的方法 我不知如何表達
100 ways I don't like you I don't know how to express it.
可是在天平那邊 只要一種
But on the other side of the scale, just need  one
最簡單的喜歡 就能輕易獨占宇宙
The simplest like it can easily monopolize the universe

我要怎麽 才能放下
How am I going to put it down?
一百個方法 不喜歡的方法
100 ways I  don't like the method
如果偷走 我的喜歡
If you steal my liking,
就請你保留 在我想你的時候
I'm asking you to keep it when I miss you.

如果幸福僅是我幻境 該不該暫停
If happiness is just my fantasy, should it be suspended?
潛入夢境刪掉了回憶 偏又太清醒
Dive into the dream, delete the memory, and be too sober.

一百個不喜歡你的方法 我不知如何表達
100 ways I don't like you I don't know how to express it
可是在天平那邊 只要一種
But on the other side of the scale, just need  one
最簡單的喜歡 就能輕易獨占宇宙
The simplest like it can easily monopolize the universe

我要怎麽 才能放下
How am I going to put it down?
一百個方法 不喜歡的方法
100 ways I  don't like the method
如果偷走 我的喜歡
If you steal my liking,
就請你保留 在我想你的時候
I'm asking you to keep it when I miss you.

一百個不喜歡你的方法 我不知如何表達
100 ways I don't like you I don't know how to express it
可是在天平那邊 只要一種
But on the other side of the scale, just need  one
最簡單的喜歡 就能輕易獨占宇宙
The simplest like it can easily monopolize the universe

我要怎麽 才能放下
How am I going to put it down?
一百個方法 不喜歡的方法
100 ways I  don't like the method
如果偷走 我的喜歡
If you steal my liking,
就請你保留 在我想你的時候
I'm asking you to keep it when I miss you.

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