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Friday, February 15, 2019

徐佳莹 LaLa - 真的傻 Foolish Love

追逐眼前 不断消失的背影
Chasing the disappearing back in front of you
The distance I can't touch
毫无保留 以为就能感动你
No reservations, I thought I could move you.
原来 差距像天地
It turns out that the gap is like heaven and earth.

我喜欢你 也喜欢我的机率
I like you, and I like my odds
The error will be a few centimeters
爱不是谁够努力 就值得被珍惜
Love is not who works hard enough, it is worth being cherished
可我 总学不会放弃
But I always learn to not give up.

我是真的想 一辈子 赖在你身旁
I really want to be by your side for the rest of my life.
可是你的步伐 快到我 已经追不上
But your pace, it’s almost impossible for me to catch up.
倘若是我 拖累你翱翔
If it were me, it would drag you to soar
愿从你 生命彻底被遗忘
How I wish you'd be gone from my life

我是真的想 独占你 不跟谁分享
I really want to monopolize you and not share you with anyone.
可是我真的傻 才害你 黯淡了光芒
Because of me, you dim your light
别担心我 是我不够好
Don't worry, I'm not good enough
你要找到比我 更爱你的人 爱你
You have to find someone who loves you more than me


她走向你 天造地设的美景
She walks to the beauty of your heaven.
Makes me lonely to transparent
用尽全力喜欢你 越是弄疼爱情
The more you like it, the more painful for the love
真心 祝福你能幸福
Sincerely bless you to be happy

我是真的想 一辈子 赖在你身旁
I really want to be by your side for the rest of my life.
可是你的步伐 快到我 已经追不上
But your pace, it’s almost impossible for me to catch up.
倘若是我 拖累你翱翔
If it were me, it would drag you to soar
愿从你 生命彻底被遗忘
How I wish you'd be gone from my life

我是真的想 独占你 不跟谁分享
I really want to monopolize you and not share you with anyone
可是我真的傻 才害你 黯淡了光芒
But I was so stupid that you dimmed your light
感谢是你 美好了回忆
Thank you for the good memories

你要找到比我 更爱你的人 爱你
You have to find someone who loves you more than me
我喜欢你 也喜欢我的机率
I like you, and I like my odds
误差会有几厘米  Mm~
The error will be a few centimeters  Mm~