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Friday, February 8, 2019

草東沒有派對 No Party For Cao Dong - 大風吹 Simon Says

大風吹著誰 誰就倒楣
Whoever blows the wind, who's unlucky
每個人都想當鬼 都一樣的下賤
Everyone wants to be the same as a ghost

哭啊 喊啊 叫你媽媽帶你去買玩具啊
Cry, yell, tell your mother to take you to buy toys.
快拿到學校炫耀吧 孩子 交點朋友吧
faster, get to school and show off. Kid, make some friends
哎呀呀 你看你手上拿的是什麼啊
ai ya ya(gee) look what you got in your hand
那東西我們早就不屑啦 哈哈哈
We've been disdainful of that stuff, hahaha

一樣又醉了 一樣又掉眼淚
It's drunk again  tears again
一樣的屈辱 一樣的感覺
The same humiliation The same feeling
怪罪給時間 它給了起點

Blame the time and It gave the starting point
怪罪給時間 它給了終點
Blame the time and It gave the end

哭啊 喊啊 叫你媽媽帶你去買玩具啊
Cry, yell, tell your mother to take you to buy toys
快拿到學校炫耀吧 孩子 交點朋友吧
faster, get to school and show off. Kid, make some friends
哎呀呀 你看你手上拿的是什麼啊
ai ya ya(gee) look what you got in your hand
那東西我們早就不屑啦 哈哈哈
We've been disdainful of that stuff, hahaha

哭啊 喊啊 叫你媽媽帶你去買玩具啊
Cry, yell, tell your mother to take you to buy toys.
快拿到學校炫耀吧 孩子 交點朋友吧
faster, get to school and show off. Kid, make some friends
哭啊 喊啊 叫你媽媽帶你去買玩具啊
Cry, yell, tell your mother to take you to buy toys
快拿到學校炫耀吧 孩子 交點朋友吧
faster, get to school and show off. Kid, make some friends
哎呀呀 你看你手上拿的是什麼
ai ya ya(gee) look what you got in your hand
那東西我們早就不屑啦 哈哈哈
We've been disdainful of that stuff, hahaha

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