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Tuesday, February 26, 2019

老王樂隊 Lao Wong Band - 那些失眠的夜與難以忘懷的事 Sleepless nights and haunting memories

It took me 22 years to find a solution
Only to find that loneliness has taken root in my heart
期待著期待著 旁邊的妹妹能跟我說句話
Looking forward to expecting the woman next to me to have a word with me.
Tingling The sting of my Heart

And all dreams have an end
And the ideal will never change easily

比你聰明的人阿 都在努力往前 我無力的閉上眼
People who are smarter than you are trying to move forward, and I'm powerless to close my eyes.
在這個孤獨的世界 我等待著明天
In this lonely world, I wait for tomorrow.

It took me three hours to find a way to sleep.
卻發現陽光已悄悄灑落 我房間的沙發
Only to find that the sun had crept down the sofa in my room

翻轉著 翻轉著 想把眼睛給閉上
Flip the flip to keep your eyes closed.
But the sun hurts my eyes

And all dreams have an end
And all the dreams will come to an end

比你聰明的人阿 都在努力往前 我無力的閉上眼
People who are smarter than you are trying to move forward, and I'm powerless to close my eyes.
在這個孤獨的世界 我等待著明天
In this lonely world, I wait for tomorrow.

And all dreams have an end
And the ideal will never change easily

比你聰明的人阿 都在努力往前 我無力的閉上眼
People who are smarter than you are trying to move forward, and I'm powerless to close my eyes.
在這個孤獨的世界 我等待著明天
In this lonely world, I wait for tomorrow.