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Wednesday, February 13, 2019

毛不易 Mao Buyi - 不染 Unsullied

不願染是與非 怎料事與願違
I don’t want to be both right and wrong.
心中的花枯萎 時光它去不回
The flower in the heart is withered, it won’t go back.
但願洗去浮華 撣去一身塵灰
I hope to wash away the glitz and go to the dust.
再與你一壺清酒 話一世沉醉
Indulge in a pot of sake with you.

不願染是與非 怎料事與願違
I don’t want to be both right and wrong.
心中的花枯萎 時光它去不回
The flower in the heart is withered, it won’t go back
回憶輾轉來回 痛不過這心扉
Memories go back and forth, but this heart hurts
願只願餘生無悔 隨花香遠飛
I hope that I will only regret the rest of my life.

一壺清酒 一身塵灰
a pot of sake, a dusty ash
I have no regrets for the rest of my life.
一場春秋 生生滅滅 浮華是非
a spring and autumn, life and death, glitz and glory
Get drunk again when the flowers are open

不願染是與非 怎料事與願違
I don’t want to be both right and wrong.
心中的花枯萎 時光它去不回
The flower in the heart is withered, it won’t go back.
回憶輾轉來回 痛不過這心扉
Memories go back and forth, but this heart hurts
願只願餘生無悔 隨花香遠飛
I hope that I will only regret the rest of my life.

一壺清酒 一身塵灰
I have no regrets for the rest of my life.
一場春秋 生生滅滅 浮華是非
a spring and autumn, life and death, glitz and glory
Get drunk again when the flowers are open

願這生生的時光不再枯萎 待花開之時再醉一回
May this time of life no longer wither, wait for the flowers to bloom again.
願這生生的時光不再枯萎 再回首淺嘗心酒餘味
May this time of life no longer wither, then look back and taste the aftertaste of the wine.

一壺清酒 一身塵
a pot of sake, a dusty ash
I have no regrets for the rest of my life.
一場春秋 生生滅滅 浮華是非
a spring and autumn, life and death, glitz and glory
Get drunk again when the flowers are open

一壺清酒 一身塵灰
a pot of sake, a dusty ash
I have no regrets for the rest of my life
一場回憶 生生滅滅 了了心扉
a memory, life is gone, heart is gone
Go back and taste the aftertaste of the wine.

一場回憶 生生滅滅 了了心扉
a memory, life is gone, heart is gone
Go back and taste the aftertaste of the wine.

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