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Tuesday, February 19, 2019

李夢尹 Li Mengyin - 雨下的瞬間 The Moment Under the Rain

Neon flashing star spot on the street
浮現 逐漸模糊的畫面
To emerge with a blurry picture
任性的說著說著 無謂謊言
Willful, talking about senseless lies
不曾發現 你溫柔的臉
I never found your tender face.

床前 擺著最愛的相片
There's a favorite photo in front of the bed
之間 依然是那張笑臉
It's still that smiling face between the two.
認真的看著看著 漸漸哽咽
Look at it seriously, gradually whimper
就當是時間 對我的考驗
Think of it as the test of time for me

在雨下的瞬間 我多看了一眼
In the moment of the rain, I glanced more
距離有多遙遠 在你身邊
How far away in your side
在離開之前 來不及說聲抱歉
It's too late to say sorry before you leave.
I just had a quick shot.

在雨下的瞬間 我再看你一眼
In the moment of the rain, I glanced more
距離不再遙遠 多久之前
It's not long before it's far away.
重溫這畫面 多想回到那一天
Revisit this picture, I want to go back to that day.
How much I miss the old days
Can I still come back to you?


床前 擺著最愛的相片
There's a favorite photo in front of the bed
之間 依然是那張笑臉
It's still that smiling face between the two.
認真的看著看著 漸漸哽咽
Look at it seriously, gradually whimper
就當是時間 對我的考驗
Think of it as the test of time for me

在雨下的瞬間 我多看了一眼
In the moment of the rain, I glanced more
距離有多遙遠 在你身邊
How far away in your side
在離開之前 來不及說聲抱歉
It's too late to say sorry before you leave.
I just had a quick shot.

在雨下的瞬間 我再看你一眼
In the moment of the rain, I glanced more
距離不再遙遠 多久之前
It's not long before it's far away.
重溫這畫面 多想回到那一天
Revisit this picture, I want to go back to that day.
How much I miss the old days
Can I still come back to you?

在雨下的瞬間 我再看你一眼
In the moment of the rain, I glanced more
距離不再遙遠 多久之前
It's not long before it's far away.
重溫這畫面 多想回到那一天
Revisit this picture, I want to go back to that day.
How much I miss the old days
Can I still come back to you?

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