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Friday, February 22, 2019

何夏 He Xia & 劉芷融 Liu Zhi Rong - 碼頭姑娘 Lady Of The Pier


The sea is full of waves, no ships entering the port
她站在碼頭 遙望著北方
She stood on the pier and looked at the north
青絲飛上白霜 心還惦著他
The black hair was gradually dyed white, and I still miss him in my heart
信裡沒說的 那句回答

The letter didn't say That answer

傻傻的姑娘戴一朵花 等著他回來呀
Stupid girl wearing a flower waiting for him to come back.
小小的嘴兒藏不住話 都唱成情歌呀
A little mouth can't hide words,  all sing into love songs.
青山依舊 歲月如常 也不見她悲傷
The mountain is still, the years as usual, also do not see her sad
有情的人 別問她 你還願意嗎
Affectionate person Don't ask her “are you still willing?”

大海滿是波浪 不見船入港
The sea is full of waves, no ships entering the port
她站在碼頭 遙望著北方
She stood on the pier and looked at the north
青絲飛上白霜 心還惦著他
The black hair was gradually dyed white, and I still miss him in my heart
信裡沒說的 那句回答
The letter didn't say That answer

傻傻的姑娘戴一朵花 等著他回來呀
Stupid girl wearing a flower waiting for him to come back.
小小的嘴兒藏不住話 都唱成情歌呀
A little mouth can't hide words all sing into love songs.
青山依舊 歲月如常 也不見她悲傷
The mountain is still, the years as usual, also do not see her sad
有情的人 別問她 你還願意嗎
Affectionate person Don't ask her “are you still willing?”

傻傻的姑娘戴一朵花 等著他回來呀
Stupid girl wearing a flower waiting for him to come back.
小小的嘴兒藏不住話 都唱成情歌呀
A little mouth can't hide words all sing into love songs.
青山依舊 歲月如常 也不見她悲傷
The mountain is still, the years as usual, also do not see her sad
有情的人 別問她 你還願意嗎
Affectionate person Don't ask her “are you still willing?”

若有來世 你還願意嗎
If there is an afterlife are you still willing

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