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Friday, February 22, 2019

周興哲 Eric - 至少我還記得 At Least I Remember

跨年煙火 襯亮你眼角
New Year's Fireworks, lighting up in your eyes 
你是我眼中 不熄滅的美好
You are the beauty that is not extinguished in my eyes
離開很好 讓人懂依靠
Leaving is good, makes people know what relying on someone means
想念抱著你 身上的味道
Missing the feeling of holding you

時間奔跑 還剩下多少
Time's running out, how much time is left
都沒準備好 用盡最後一秒
I'm not even ready to use up all the time until the last second
我們很好 可惜沒能牽牢
We are doing well, unfortunately I can't hold it
愛被風扯掉 再也找不到
Love is gone with the wind and can't be found again

你敢不敢再對我說一次 永遠愛著我
Do you dare to say once more that you will love me forever 
Like, you're the one I love the most, it has never changed
我還記得 沿途的景色
I still remember the scenery along the way
路走得曲折 回憶就銘心深刻
Walk in a way that is twisted, memories are engraved deep in the heart 

你敢不敢再對我說一次 不後悔愛我
Do you dare to say once more that you don't regret loving me
Say once again, we didn't love wrong
我還記得 擁抱的炙熱 你是如何笑著
I still remember the warmth from your embrace and how you smiled
At least I still remember

沒人知道 我記得多少
No one knows how much I remember
我好想聽到 說話的語調
I really miss your voice
太晚明暸 生命愛開玩笑
Too late to know that life loves to joke
愛真的很好 是結束太早
Love is really good, but too bad it ended too early

你敢不敢再對我說一次 永遠愛著我
Do you dare to say once more that you will love me forever 
Like, you're the one I love the most, it has never changed
我還記得 沿途的景色
I still remember the scenery along the way
路走得曲折 回憶就銘心深刻
Walk in a way that is twisted, memories are engraved deep in the heart 

你敢不敢再對我說一次 不後悔愛我
Do you dare to say once more that you don't regret loving me
Say once again, we didn't love wrong
我還記得 擁抱的炙熱 你是如何笑著
I still remember the warmth from your embrace and how you smiled
At least I still remember

Our tears are really precious
只是後知後覺 才會自顧自地流淚
Just after knowing, I will cry from my own eyes
Our encounter is perfect

你敢不敢再對我說一次 永遠愛著我
Do you dare to say once more that you will love me forever 
Like, you're the one I love the most, it has never changed
我還記得 沿途的景色
I still remember the scenery along the way
路走得曲折 回憶就銘心深刻
Walk in a way that is twisted, memories are engraved deep in the heart

你敢不敢再對我說一次 不後悔愛我
Do you dare to say once more that you don't regret loving me
Say once again, we didn't love wrong
我還記得 擁抱的炙熱 你是如何笑著
I still remember the warmth from your embrace and how you smiled
At least I still remember

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