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Monday, February 25, 2019

阿民 Ah Ming & 鳥屎 Niaws - 大麻煩 Big Trouble

早晨 是一天的開始
Morning is the beginning of the day
身體好沉  是起床時的呆滯
The body is so heavy, it is the dull when you get up
想好台詞 還是 不想要上班
Think of a line or don't want to go to work?
就打給老闆 我現在有個
Just call the boss, and I have a problem right now.

請你洗耳恭聽 (沒關係 你說)
Please listen to me (It doesn't matter, let's talk about it.)
I've gained several kilos
老闆 老闆 這個問題很大
Boss , this is a big problem
對於女人這個麻煩 就跟末日一樣
This trouble for women, just like the end
這個麻煩這麼大 為什麼老闆要逼我
This is such a big problem, why would the boss force me?
讓人無法忍受 oh no
Unbearable Oh no.
這個麻煩這麼大 我現在只想要逃走 oh no (走啦 睡覺摟)
This trouble is so big, now just want to escape oh no (go, sleep cuddle)

現在 我有大麻煩  請問 我該怎麼辦
Now I have a lot of trouble, what should I do?
時間 走的太緩慢  秒針一直滴答滴答
Time goes too slowly, the second hand ticks.
現在 我有大麻煩  開始 先忘掉上班
Now I'm got a  big trouble, and I'm starting to forget about work
之後 再來份早餐  日子一步一步慢慢走過  慢慢走過
And then we'll have a breakfast day, one step at a time, walking slowly through.

Like a pop who hasn't eaten spinach yet.
只要這 大麻煩
As long as this big problem
沒處理好 就沒了能耐
If you don't take care of it, you don't have the ability.
長輩說  ~路用 假如身在他的年代
The elders say you're every useless, and if you're in his day

Please listen to me about this trouble
比如說 拔個插頭 收個回收 丟個垃圾 畫個妝容
Like pulling a plug, collecting a garbage, throwing a trash, drawing a makeup
If the toilet smells a little, why do you have to brush a toilet?
不是我懶  只是因麻煩事情太多
It's not that I'm lazy, it's just too much trouble
還要面對社會壓力 你真的太囉嗦
And face social pressure, you're really too verbose

這個麻煩這麼大 為什麼老闆要逼我
This is such a big problem, why would the boss force me?
讓人無法忍受 oh no
Unbearable Oh no
.這個麻煩這麼大 我現在只想要逃走 oh no (雙擊點讚666加個愛心喔~)
This trouble is so big, now just want to escape oh no Double click on the praise 666 and a love heart~)
現在 我有大麻煩  請問 我該怎麼辦
Now I have a lot of trouble, what should I do?
時間 走的太緩慢  秒針一直滴答滴答
Time goes too slowly, the second hand ticks.
現在 我有大麻煩  開始 先忘掉上班
Now I'm got a big trouble, and I'm starting to forget about work
之後 再來份早餐  日子一步一步慢慢走過  慢慢走過
And then we'll have a breakfast day, one step at a time, walking slowly through.