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Saturday, March 2, 2019

林宥嘉 Yoga Lin - 想自由 Freedom

What does everyone lack?
We're not going to be happy in an instant
單純很難 包袱很多
Simple and difficult, a lot of packaging
已經很勇敢  還是難過
It's been brave, but I'm still sad

There are many things to choose from
It's just that I often understand afterwards
情緒很煩  說話很衝
The mood is annoying and I’m very impulsive when I talk
人和人的溝通  有時候沒有用
Communication between people and people is sometimes useless

或許只有妳 懂得我
Maybe you're the only one who knows me
So you didn't escape
一邊在淚流  一邊緊抱我
While in tears, while clinging to me
小聲的說  多麼愛我
Whisper How much you love me
只有妳 懂得我
Only you know me
It's like a trapped beast
在摩天大樓  渴求  自由
Craving freedom in skyscrapers

Sniffing all the way in the dream
Climbing up on the roof and unexpectedly fell so heavily
不覺得痛 是覺得空
Don't feel pain, it feels empty.
城市的幻影 有千百種
There are thousands of phantoms in the city.

Even love can get colder
But now you're holding you warm
我不曉得 我不捨得
I don't know, I'm not willing
為將來的難測  就放棄這一刻
Giving up this moment for the unpredictable future

或許只有妳 懂得我
Maybe you're the only one who knows me
So you didn't escape
一邊在淚流  一邊緊抱我
While in tears, while clinging to me
小聲的說 多麼愛我
Whisper how much you love me
只有妳 懂得我
Only you know me
It's like a trapped beast
在摩天大樓 渴求 自由
Craving freedom in skyscrapers

或許只有妳 懂得我
Maybe you're the only one who knows me
So you didn't escape
一邊在淚流 一邊緊抱我
While in tears, while clinging to me
小聲的說 多麼愛我
Whisper How much you love me

只有妳  懂得我
Only you know me
It's like a trapped beast
在摩天大樓    渴求  自由
Craving freedom in skyscrapers

在摩天大樓    渴求  自由
Craving freedom in skyscrapers