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Sunday, March 17, 2019

李佳薇 Jess Lee - 煎熬 Suffering

早知道 你只是飞鸟
I knew you were just a bird
拥抱后 手中只剩下 羽毛
After an embrace, only the feathers are left behind
Back then why did you have to waste
那麼多咖啡和玫瑰 來打擾
So much coffee and roses bothering me

我想要 安静的思考
I want to think quietly
天平上 让爱恨不再 动摇
On how to balance love and hate on these scales
Once I think of you, the balance is lost
我关灯还是关不掉 这风暴
I turn off the lights, but I can't stop this storm

心一跳 爱就开始煎熬
As my heart beats, love turns into suffering
每一分 每一秒
Every minute, every second
火在烧 烧成灰有多好
The fire is burning everything into ash, how good is that
叫思念 不要吵
To stop my longing for you
I believe that I am almost ready
Almost able to forget you
跟寂寞 再和好
And reconcile myself with loneliness

得不到 也不要乞讨
Even if I can't get it, I will not beg
怎么做 不需要别人 转告
I don't need others to tell me what I should do
When I've sunk to the bottom of the sea
我也只剩下我自己 能依靠
I only have myself to rely on

心一跳 爱就开始煎熬
As my heart beats, love turns into suffering
每一分 每一秒
Every minute, every second
火在烧 烧成灰有多好
The fire is burning everything into ash, how good is that
叫思念 不要吵
To stop my longing for you
I believe that I am almost ready
Almost able to forget you
跟寂寞 再和好
And reconcile myself with loneliness

I believe that I am almost ready
It is true, I am almost
Almost able to smile
去面对 下一个 拥抱
To go face the next embrace