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Saturday, March 2, 2019

鄧紫棋 G.E.M. - 那一夜 That Night

没有心 就没有受
Without a heart, there wouldn't be injuries
不抱着希望 就不会失望
Without being hopeful, there wouldn't be disappointment
笼中的雀 不渴望
The caged bird is not eager to fly
不抬头向往 乐得安详
By not looking up, only then one can be happy

However, if not for love, then what for
若不为什么 生命是什么
If it's no for the sake of something, then what is life
If one does not have love, the what does one have
拥有着什么 拥有快乐
One must have something to have happiness 

见你的 那一夜 终于跳
That night that I met you, my heart finally started beating
我沉睡的躯壳 有你重新活着
By having you, my sleeping body became alive again
爱上你的 那一夜 天地都亮了
That night that I fell in love with you, the heaven and earth were shining bright
遗忘的颜色 有你失而复得
The colors forgotten that night, I got them back because of you 
那一夜 那一夜 唤醒的 沉睡的夜
That night, that night, awakened from a deep sleep

漆黑的眼 终于能看见
My pitch black eyes can finally see
有你的世界 再没有
In your world, there are no more distractions
笼中的我 唯一的欲望
In my cage, my only desire
是被你的力量 完全地侵占
Is to be completely taken by your strength

Love never asks why
为你快乐 所以我快
If you are happy, then so am I
I don't need to have anything
只要彻底地 被你拥有
As long as I completely belong to you

见你的 那一夜 终于跳
That night that I met you, my heart finally started beating
我沉睡的躯壳 有你重新活着
By having you, my sleeping body became alive again
爱上你的 那一夜 天地都亮了
That night that I fell in love with you, the heaven and earth were shining bright
遗忘的颜色 有你失而复得
The colors forgotten that night, I got them back because of you 

那一夜 那一夜
That night, that night
我沉睡的躯壳 有你重新活着
By having you, my sleeping body became alive again
那一夜 那一夜
That night, that night
遗忘的颜色 有你失而复得
The colors forgotten that night, I got them back because of you 
那一夜 那一夜 唤醒了 我的夜
That night, that night, you awakened my night.