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Friday, March 22, 2019

徐佳瑩 LaLa - 大雨將至 Heavy Rain Is Coming

不相見 不相見 那一人 那一面
Not seeing each other, not seeing that person, the side of that person.
也不怨 你我錯過的流年
And I don't blame you for the stream I missed

某一年 某一眼 誰留戀 誰無言
One year, one look who is in love and who is speechless
擦過肩  緣分就別再爭辯
Don't argue when you wipe your shoulders

若不是 那一眼輾轉的相思
If it wasn't for that look of Acacia,
愛一人 用一世 不自知
Love one person with the world, not knowing
到如今 滿城風雨 也別解釋
So far, the storm also doesn't explain
用盡天下的藥石 難解人間的相思
Exhaustion of the world's medicine stone difficult to understand the world's love-sickness

大雨將至 滿地潮濕 從前的電光火石
The heavy rain will be wet the former electric light flint
多年以後 每段故事 原來結尾都相似
Years later, each story ends up similar
別說愛誰 別說可是 回憶就淺嘗輒止
Don't say how to love, don't say it, but remember to dabble.
得失離散 總會又周而復始
The separation of gains and losses will always be repeated

不必說 不必說 花又開 花又落
Needless to say, it doesn't have to be said that flowers blossom and fall.
有過誰 也一樣沒有結果
Anyone who has no results

那一年 大雨中 記著你 忘了我
In the heavy rain that year, I remember you forgetting me.
有些事 堵在內心的角落
Some things are stuck in the corner of my heart

大雨將至 滿地潮濕 從前的電光火石
The heavy rain will be wet to the former electric light flint
多年以後 每段故事 原來結尾都相似
Years later, each story ends up similar
別說愛誰 別說可是 回憶就淺嘗輒止
Don't say how to love, don't say it, but remember to dabble.
得失離散 總會又周而復始
The separation of gains and losses will always be repeated

大雨將至 滿地潮濕 從前的電光火石
The heavy rain will be wet to the former electric light flint
多年以後 每段故事 原來結尾都相似
Years later, each story ends up similar
別說愛誰 別說可是 回憶就淺嘗輒止
Don't say how to love, don't say it, but remember to dabble.
得失離散 總會又周而復始
The separation of gains and losses will always be repeated
得失離散 總會又周而復始
The separation of gains and losses will always be repeated