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Saturday, March 30, 2019

鄧紫棋 G.E.M. - 突然之間 Unexpectedly

還記得那時候 無拘無束無須理由
Remember when there was no reason to be in custody
還記得那時候 獨來獨往獨自問候
Remember when you greeted yourself alone?
我一直很享受   寂寞是屬於我的自由
I've always enjoyed loneliness, and it's my freedom.
習慣路一個人走 習慣了不用回頭
Get used to walking alone, you get used to it, you don't have to look back.

All of a sudden you're like a meteor across the night
搖晃我的視線 劃破我的隨緣
Shake my eyes and cut my fate
All of a sudden, looking up, you look into my eyes.
讓我突然之間   看到另一個世界
Let me suddenly see another world

我許多的時候 無牽無掛無事所求
I have many times when I have nothing to ask for
我許多的時候 隨心隨意隨處漂流
I drift everywhere when I have a lot of time
我有些不能夠 想像每一天醒來以後
There's something I can't imagine waking up to every day
除了陽光的溫柔 還有另一個枕頭
There's another pillow beside the tenderness of the sun

All of a sudden you're like a meteor across the night
搖晃我的視線 劃破我的隨緣
Shake my eyes and cut my fate
All of a sudden, looking up, you look into my eyes.
讓我突然之間 看到另一個世界
Let me suddenly see another world.

我就像 突然間 迷失在懸空
It's like I'm suddenly lost in the sky
愛是蜃樓 還是綠洲
Is love a mirage building or an oasis?
你就像   突然間   吹來的微風
You're like a breeze blowing all of a sudden
你讓我有一點顫抖   又一點感動
You made me tremble a little and moved a little.

All of a sudden you're like a meteor across the night
搖晃我的視線 劃破我的隨緣
Shake my eyes and cut my fate
All of a sudden, looking up, you look into my eyes.
讓我突然之間 喚醒了所有知覺
Let me suddenly wake up all consciousness.

All of a sudden you're like a meteor across the night
一點一點實現 我從未許過的願
A little bit of realization, I have never promised
All of a sudden, looking up, you look into my eyes.
讓我在一瞬間 好像看到了永遠
Let me seem to see forever in a flash

我看到了永遠 我看到了永遠
I saw it forever, I saw it forever.