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Friday, March 8, 2019

嚴爵 Yen-j & PEACE - 輕輕 Lightly

I write a letter to you, there is no reply
就這樣搭上了車 上了飛機
Just got on the bus, and then got on the plane
Go to a place you have never been to
找自己 但還是想到妳
Looking for myself but still thinking about you

Although I have told myself not to be greedy
照顧好自己 讓妳別再擔心
I'll take care of myself, not letting you worry again
Before when I didn't have you, I was still able to be happy
Why does it feel like losing my heart
風吹來 一陣平息 我鼓起 我的勇氣
The wind is blowing, calming me down, I start raising my courage

我想這樣輕輕 問候你
I want to lightly greet you like this
Is that ok?
我們太多回憶 太絢麗 擾亂我的心
We have too many memories, too beautiful, disturbing my heart

我就這樣輕輕 打擾你
I will lightly bother you 
對不起 就快停
I am sorry, it will stop quickly
此刻我的愛情 在牢裡
My love at the moment, imprisoned
來自於對你 的在意
Comes from the concern I have for you

Although I have told myself not to be greedy
照顧好自己 讓妳別再擔心
I'll take care of myself, not letting you worry again
Before when I didn't have you, I was still able to be happy
Why does it feel like losing my heart
風吹來 一陣平息 我鼓起 我的勇氣
The wind is blowing, calming me down, I start raising my courage

我想這樣輕輕 問候你
I want to lightly greet you like this
Is that ok?
我們太多回憶 太絢麗 擾亂我的心
We have too many memories, too beautiful, disturbing my heart

我就這樣輕輕 打擾你
I will lightly bother you 
對不起 就快停
I am sorry, it will stop quickly
此刻我的愛情 在牢裡
My love at the moment, imprisoned
來自於對你 的在意
Comes from the concern I have for you

我想這樣輕輕 問候你
I want to lightly greet you like this
Is that ok?
我們太多回憶 太絢麗 擾亂我的心
We have too many memories, too beautiful, disturbing my heart

我就這樣輕輕 打擾你
I will lightly bother you 
對不起 就快停
I am sorry, it will stop quickly
此刻我的愛情 在牢裡
My love at the moment, imprisoned
來自於對你 的在意
Comes from the concern I have for you