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Thursday, March 28, 2019

李佳薇 Jess Lee - 像天堂的懸崖 Cliff to the Heaven

你留的感动 你留的感伤
You left me moved, you left me bereaved
都一起打包 都寄给遗忘
I’d packed them all up and mailed it out to oblivion
整洁的房间 宽了一半的床
The tidy room with a bed half widened
单身的牙刷 像低头在想
The single toothbrush bowed its head in thought

多真心的给予 多贴心的回响
The sincere provision, the thoughtful reciprocation
What is it that eroded the dreams you promised?
靠一点点美好 撑长长的迷惘
Holding out for a length of confusion with a tiny bit of pleasantry
终究会走到 得分岔的地方
Eventually the fork in the road will appear

Stop pointing me to the heaven beyond the cliff
Stop cornering me to plunge into the abyss of dismal
不再幻想 你的花海
No longer under the illusion of your flowery words
Only a single rose deserved all the devotion

Stop pointing me to the heaven beyond the cliff
Stop pushing me towards a future that I will regret
最怕夜里 浪漫灯海
I’m nervous of the romantic sea of lights in the night
You lit up stick after stick while I started out of the window without a word

时间在赶路 回忆在摆荡
The time is rushing by, the memories are dancing about
音乐在流泪 歌词在疗伤
The music is crying, the lyrics are curing the pain
脑袋够懂事 但内心不长大
The brain in sensible, but the heart refuses to learn
复原才很难 情绪才复杂
It’s tedious to recover, emotions are too complicated

多醉心的拥吻 多开心的凝望
What an intoxicating kiss, what a joyous desire
是什么抢夺 你给我的太阳
What is competing with me for the sunshine you promised
用淡淡的祈祷 撑浓浓的绝望
Holding out for a thickening despair with an inaudible prayer
凭什么逃离 像影子的悲伤
What gives the right to escape the sorrow of being a shadow

时间在赶路 回忆在摆荡
The time is rushing by, the memories are dancing about
音乐在流泪 歌词在疗伤
The music is crying, the lyrics are curing the pain
脑袋够懂事 但内心不长大
The brain in sensible, but the heart refuses to learn
复原才很难 情绪才复杂
It’s tedious to recover, emotions are too complicated

多醉心的拥吻 多开心的凝望
What an intoxicating kiss, what a joyous desire
是什么抢夺 你给我的太阳
What is competing with me for the sunshine you promised
用淡淡的祈祷 撑浓浓的绝望
Holding out for a thickening despair with an inaudible prayer
凭什么逃离 像影子的悲伤
What gives the right to escape the sorrow of being a shadow

Stop pointing me to the heaven beyond the cliff
Stop cornering me to plunge into the abyss of dismal
不再幻想 你的花海
No longer under the illusion of your flowery words
Only a single rose deserved all the devotion

Stop pointing me to the heaven beyond the cliff
Stop pushing me towards a future that I will regret
最怕夜里 浪漫灯海
I’m nervous of the romantic sea of lights in the night
You lit up stick after stick while I started out of the window without a word

最难耐 的伤害 是不放 又不爱
The most unbearable of it all is not letting go when you are not in love with me