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Thursday, March 28, 2019

陳奕迅 Eason Chan - 你給我聽好 Listen To Me

你看看大夥兒合照 就你一個人沒有笑
You take a look at everyone, you're not laughing.
是我們裝傻 還是你真的
Are we pretending to be stupid or are you really

There are many people who are not bothered

I didn't bother to give you the antidote

Anyway, you love to come to this set
為愛情折腰 難道不是你

Wasn't it for love, isn't it for you

Hobbies that I've been quitting all along.

You're wondering who thinks you can't sleep.

You should be proud.

A lot of people want to be lovelorn and have no goals.
只是想睡個好覺 別炫耀

Just want to get a good night's sleep and don't show off

Don't say you're okay.
沒什麼不好 你就怨日子枯燥
There's nothing wrong with you complaining about the boredom
沒什麼煩惱 恐怕就想到
There's nothing bothering me, I'm afraid

What is the meaning of survival to think endlessly

你給我聽好 想哭就要笑
You listen to me, if you want to cry, you laugh.
In fact, you know that troubles can solve problems.
新的剛來到 舊的就忘掉
The new just came to the old and forgot
A small complaint is the mood of life you want

還會有人讓你睡不著 還能為某人燃燒
Someone else is going to keep you awake and burn for someone.
My dear, such a romantic ordeal is not something you want to be.
Don't show off.

Don't say you're okay.
沒什麼不好 你就怨日子枯燥
There's nothing wrong with you complaining about the boredom
沒什麼煩惱 恐怕就想到
There's nothing bothering me, I'm afraid

What is the meaning of survival to think endlessly

你給我聽好 想哭就要笑
You listen to me, if you want to cry, you laugh.
In fact, you know that troubles can solve problems.
新的剛來到 舊的就忘掉
The new just came to the old and forgot
渺小的控訴只是證明生活 並不無聊
A small complaint just proves that life isn't boring

Don't say you're okay.
沒什麼不好 你就怨日子枯燥
There's nothing wrong with you complaining about the boredom
沒什麼煩惱 恐怕就想到
There's nothing bothering me, I'm afraid

What is the meaning of survival to think endlessly

你給我聽好 想哭就要笑
You listen to me, if you want to cry, you laugh.
In fact, you know that troubles can solve problems.
新的剛來到 舊的就忘掉
The new just came to the old and forgot
渺小的控訴只是證明生活 並不無聊
A small complaint just proves that life isn't boring

Don't let me know.
其實你在背著我們 偷笑
You're laughing behind our backs