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Saturday, March 2, 2019

洪佩瑜 Hong Pei Yu - 踮起腳尖愛 Stand Up On Tiptoes Love

舞鞋 穿了洞 裂了縫 預備迎接一個夢
The dancing shoes pierced the cracks and prepared for a dream
OK繃 遮住痛 要把蒼白都填充
Ok Band-Aid cover the pain, fill the pale
勇氣惶恐 我要用哪一種
Courage, fear, which one do I use?
面對他 一百零一分笑容
Face him with a 101-point smile

等待 的時空 有點重 重得時針走不動
Waiting for time and space, a little heavy, regaining the hour hand can't move
無影蹤 他始終 不曾降臨生命中
No trace he never came to life
我好想懂 誰放我手心裡捧
I want to know who put me in the palm of my hand.
幸福啊 依然長長的人龍
Happiness, still so many people

想踮起腳尖找尋愛 遠遠的存在
I want to stand on tiptoe and find love that exists far away.
我來不及 說聲嗨 影子就從人海暈開
I don't have time to say hi, the shadow is disappearing in the crowd
才踮起腳尖的期待 只怕被虧待
To stand up for the anticipation of the toes, only afraid of being treated badly
我勾不著還 微笑忍耐
I can't hook up and I still endure and smile
WOO~ Wait till you get back

哪天 撲了空 折了衷 祈禱終於起作用
One day you didn't come, there was a compromise, and the prayer finally worked
一陣風 吹來夢 卻又敗在難溝通
A gust of wind blowing dreams but losing is difficult to communicate
我終於懂 怎麼人們的臉孔
I finally know how people's faces look like
想到愛 寂寞眼眶就轉紅
When they think of love, lonely eyes turn red

想踮起腳尖找尋愛 遠遠的存在
I want to stand on tiptoes and find love that exists far away
我來不及 說聲嗨 影子就從人海暈開
I don't have time to say hi, the shadow is disappearing in the crowd
才踮起腳尖的期待 只怕被虧待
To stand up for the anticipation of the toes, only afraid of being treated badly
我勾不著還 微笑忍耐
I can't hook up and I still endure and smile
WOO~ Wait till you get back
你會回過頭來 WOO~回過頭來
You're going to look back WOO~You turn around

想踮起腳尖找尋愛 遠遠的存在
I want to stand on tiptoe and find love that exists far away.
我來不及 說聲嗨 影子就從人海暈開
I don't have time to say hi, the shadow is disappearing in the crowd

才踮起腳尖的期待 只怕被虧待
To stand up for the anticipation of the toes, only afraid of being treated badly
我勾不著還 微笑忍耐
I can't hook up and I still endure and smile  
WOO~ Wait till you get back