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Sunday, March 17, 2019

金莎 Jin Sha - 不可思議 Unbelievable

闪烁不停 爱的讯息 三言两 进心
Flashing, love message, three words, into the heart
捂住 呵口气 才不轻易 泄露了心情
Cover your face, hesitating, it's not easy, it can be seen from your mood
仅仅傻笑而已 也能够 彻夜的想你
Just smirking, I am also able to miss you all night

爱到不可思议 创世纪到末期
Love is unbelievable, from the start to the end
不用甜言蜜语 其实我爱的是你 是你
No need for sweet talk, in fact, what I love is you, you
烦恼的是我 虽然很粗心 但我会很努力
You're worried about me, although I'm careless, still I will work very hard

爱到不可思议 越老却越美丽

Love is unbelievable, gets old but becomes more beautiful
牙掉了没关系 皮肤皱皱也爱你 爱你

It's okay to lose your teeth and have wrinkly skin, still love you love you
就孩子气 这一百分的相遇 就是我和你
It's childish, this 100% encounter, is you and me

你的讯息 传个不停 随时提醒 甜蜜关系
Your message, passes on, keeps reminding our sweet relationship
丢个硬币 决定 每天应该说几遍 爱你
Toss a coin,  to decide if I should say it several times a day, love you
不仅思念而已 看看我 无懈的坚定
Not only missing me, but looking at my unwavering determination

爱到不可思议 创世纪到末期
Love is unbelievable, from the start to the end
不用甜言蜜语 其实我爱的是你 是你
No need for sweet talk, in fact, what I love is you, you
烦恼的是我 虽然很粗心 但我会很努力
You're worried about me, although I'm careless, still I will work very hard

爱到不可思议 越老却越美丽

Love is unbelievable, gets old but becomes more beautiful
牙掉了没关系 皮肤皱皱也爱你 爱你

It's okay to lose your teeth and have wrinkly skin, still love you love you
就孩子气 这一百分的相遇 就是我和你
It's childish, this 100% encounter, is you and me

爱到不可思议 创世纪到末期
Love is unbelievable, from the start to the end
不用甜言蜜语 其实我爱的是你 是你
No need for sweet talk, in fact, what I love is you, you
烦恼的是我 虽然很粗心 但我会很努力
You're worried about me, although I'm careless, still I will work very hard

爱到不可思议 越老却越美丽

Love is unbelievable, gets old but becomes more beautiful
牙掉了没关系 皮肤皱皱也爱你 爱你

It's okay to lose your teeth and have wrinkly skin, still love you love you
就孩子气 这一百分的相遇 就是我和你
It's childish, this 100% encounter, is you and me

爱到不可思议 创世纪到末期
Love is unbelievable, from the start to the end
不用甜言蜜语 其实我爱的是你 是你
No need for sweet talk, in fact, what I love is you, you
烦恼的是我 虽然很粗心 但我会很努力
You're worried about me, although I'm careless, still I will work very hard

爱到不可思议 越老却越美丽

Love is unbelievable, gets old but becomes more beautiful
牙掉了没关系 皮肤皱皱也爱你 爱你

It's okay to lose your teeth and have wrinkly skin, still love you love you
就孩子气 这一百分的相遇 就是我和你
It's childish, this 100% encounter, is you and me