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Monday, June 10, 2019

郁可唯 Yisa Yu - 思慕 Smoothie

風吹開了記憶的鎖  想起舊時的你我
The wind blows open the lock of memory, remembering the old you and me
曾相思許諾  曾遺憾錯過  桃花飄落暗香藏苦澀
Once promised  once sorry to miss Peach blossom falling dark fragrance hidden bitter

月染亮十里夜色  勾起眼底的寂寞
Month dyed bright ten miles of night to evoke the loneliness of the eyes
對你的難捨  任滄桑淹沒  三千流年心失魂落魄
For your hard-to-do vicissitudes drown 3,000 of the heart of the soul

淒淒思慕  心碎到奈何
Sad is heartbroken to how
剪不斷糾葛  越想忘記越深刻
The more you want to forget, the more profound the cut

忘了醉了  以為放下了
Forgot to get drunk and thought it was down
卻在夢醒後  想起你淚滑落  ~~~~~~~~~~
But after waking up to think of your tears slipping Ah ~~~~ ah ~~~~~~

花紛落以為你來過  我眼前的淚斑駁
The flowers thought you'd come to my eyes with tears mottled
說不清悔過  道不盡難捨  孤獨和脆弱被痛牽扯
It's hard to tell how lonely and vulnerable are, and the pain is involved

當你再次說愛我  當悲歡再次交錯
When you say love me again when joys and sorrows staggered again
才恍然懂了  對你的執著  是我無法割捨的脈搏
It just dawned on me that my obsession with you was a pulse I couldn't give up

淒淒思慕  心碎到奈何
Sad is heartbroken to how
剪不斷糾葛  越想忘記越深刻
The more you want to forget, the more profound the cut

忘了醉了  以為放下了
Forgot to get drunk and thought it was down
卻在夢醒後  想起你淚滑落 
But after waking up to think of your tears slipping

花開花落  心傷誰縫合
Flower blossom Fall Heartache who stitches
解不開因果  三生桃花柔情多
Can't solve the cause and effect San sheng peach blossom tenderness much

相思難捨  傾心花一朵
Acacia is hard to spend a flower
願執手白頭  看芳華醉春風  ~~~~~~~~~~
Willing to hold hands to see Fang Hua drunk Spring Breeze Ah ~~~~ Ah ~~~~~~