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Friday, June 14, 2019

林凡 Freya Lim - 五天幾年 Five Days

也許在你心裏 夢是自己的
Maybe in your heart, dreams are your own
可是在我心裏 夢是我們的
But in my heart, dreams are ours
你說你要自由 我給你自由
You said you wanted to be free, and I gave you freedom
你說你要安靜 我安靜的像宇宙
You said you were going to be quiet, and I was quiet like the universe

如果說這是愛 醒來好像夢一場
If it's love waking up, it's like dreaming
如果說這是愛 我情願去流浪
If it's love, I'd rather go wandering
如果說這是愛 請你鬆開我肩膀
If it's love, please let go of my shoulder
如果說這是愛 靜靜的 等天亮
If this is love quietly waiting for dawn

看你露出微笑 像個小孩子
Look, you smile like a child.
看你不再彷徨 也不再祈禱
Look, you don't wander anymore, you don't pray
曾經覺得你是 曾經那個你
I used to think you were the one you used to be
I used to think I knew love better than anyone

如果說這是愛 醒來好像夢一場
If it's love waking up, it's like dreaming
如果說這是愛 我情願去流浪
 If it's love, I'd rather go wandering
如果說這是愛 請你鬆開我肩膀
If it's love, please let go of my shoulder
如果說這是愛 靜靜的 等天亮
If this is love quietly waiting for Dawn

眼看著雨 眼看著雨點
Watching the rain look at the rain
Watching the rain fall in my heart

如果說這是愛 愛你好像是夢一場
If it's love, love you, it's like a dream
如果說這是愛 我情願被遺忘
If it's love, I'd rather be forgotten
如果說這是愛 請你鬆開我肩膀
If it's love, please let go of my shoulder
如果說這是愛 靜靜的 等天亮
If this is love quietly waiting for dawn