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Tuesday, June 25, 2019

陳勢安 Andrew Tan - 心, 洞 Heart Hole

看着你的表情 强沉默中
Look at your expression, reluctantly silent
你狼狈的解释 让我心痛
Your wolverine explanation makes me feel bad
I can pretend I don't understand
却不能装作 动于衷
But can't pretend to be indifferent

听着我的疑惑 你言不由衷
Listening to my doubts, you can't help it
谁又能体贴我 冤枉的痛
Who can appreciate my pain
Love can be selfless and tolerant
却不能释然 敞开心胸
But can't relieve it, opens your heart

我的心被凿开 块黑洞
My heart is being cut open, a black hole
挤在回忆里 狂烈汹涌
Memories rushing in, raging
爱越美越痛 我誓死效忠
Love is more beautiful, more painful, I swear allegiance
卷土重来后 就怕千疮百孔
After your reappearance, I'm afraid of being riddled with holes

我的心被凿开 块黑洞
My heart is being cut open, a black hole
可是填不 也掏不空
But it's not enough to fill it
我越是宽容 心就越沉重
The more I am tolerant, the heavier my heart is
爱明明该被歌颂 为何还 让人惶恐
Love is obviously sung, why is it still scary

听着我的疑惑 你言不由衷
Listening to my doubts, you can't help it
谁又能体贴我 冤枉的痛
Who can appreciate my pain
Love can be selfless and tolerant
却不能释然 敞开心胸
But can't relieve it, open your heart

我的心被凿开 块黑洞
My heart is being cut open, a black hole
挤在回忆里 狂烈汹涌
Memories rushing in, raging
爱越美越痛 我誓死效忠
Love is more beautiful, more painful, I swear allegiance
卷土重来后 就怕千疮百孔
After your reappearance, I am afraid of being riddled with holes

我的心被凿开 块黑洞
My heart is being cut open, a black hole
可是填不 也掏不空
But it's not enough to fill it
我越是宽容 心就越沉重
The more I am tolerant, the heavier my heart is
爱明明该被歌颂 为何还 让人惶恐
Love is obviously sung, why is it still scary

我的心被凿开 块黑洞
My heart is being cut open, a black hole
挤在回忆里 狂烈汹涌
Memories rushing in, raging
爱越美越痛 我誓死效忠
Love is more beautiful, more painful, I swear allegiance
卷土重来后 就怕千疮百孔
After your reappearance, I am afraid of being riddled with holes

我的心被凿开 块黑洞
My heart is being cut open, a black hole
可是填不 也掏不空
But it's not enough to fill it
我越是宽容 心就越沉重
The more I am tolerant, the heavier my heart is
爱明明该被歌颂 为何还 让人惶恐
Love is obviously sung, why is it still scary