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Friday, June 7, 2019

田園 Tian Yuan - 歸去來 Returning

一顆心 不停不停呼救
A heart keeps calling for help
看著你走 讓愛斷續守候
Watching you go, let love wait
無法說服自己說 NO
Can't convince myself to say NO
不肯放開手 回過頭
Wouldn't let go of his hand and turned back
Facing the memories of the boat

從一開始 一個人的獨奏
Solo from the beginning of a man
這之前 沒能擁有
I didn't have it before
到最後 沒開口
Not opening until the end
When you reach out

When you look back again
等你來 愛一直都在
When you come, love is always there
準備好 接受命運的安排
Ready to accept the fate of the arrangement
沒有誰 能把愛推開
No one can push love away
My love and I are here